Michigan School Data (MI School Data)
Agenda Overview of MI School Data Portal Navigation 101 Sample Reports Training and TA Q & A 2
MI School Data – MI School Data is an online data portal created by the Michigan Department of Education. It contains: Annual Education Reports (AER) Statewide education dashboard All Data for Student Success (D4SS) reports And more is coming soon! Who has access? The public (no password required) Local district users (password required) Researchers (password required) ISD User Administrators – use “Contact” on site or tacts_ pdf tacts_ pdf 3
Current Functionality District/School Quick Facts and Openings/Closings (updated Spring 2012) Assessment and Accountability Dashboard and Report Card (Best Practices added Spring 2012) K-3 Pupil Teacher Ratio, General Fund Balance, Salaries, Days of Instruction MEAP, MME, MI-Access (updated Spring 2012) ACT College Readiness Indicator (updated Spring 2012) Students not tested report (to be updated Fall 2012) Migration of Data for Student Success (D4SS) Dynamic Inquiries
Current Functionality Student Count Information Graduation/Dropout (updated Winter 2012) Non-resident Report (updated Spring 2012) Student Count (updated Winter 2012) Added Pupil Attendance, Retention in Grade, Pupil Mobility Staffing/Financial Educator Effectiveness (to be updated Fall 2012) Effectiveness Ratings (Principals only 2010/11) Evaluation Factors Postsecondary Reports by High School/District Postsecondary Enrollment, Persistence and Remediation (spreadsheets)
Current Functionality Implemented August 2012 Top to Bottom Listing of Schools New Home Page, pages for Early Childhood, K-12, Postsecondary and Workforce Improved data display page design Usability improvements “Front Page,” Location Selection, “Sticky Settings” Workforce supply/demand study (Prototype spreadsheet) In Development School Data Files Multiple Subgroup Parameter Displays User Administration Improvements
MI School Data – Planned Work Postsecondary Postsecondary Enrollment by High School (Fall 2012) To include analysis by student subgroup Postsecondary Credit Accumulation by High School (Fall 2012) Remedial Classes Taken at a MI Public IHE by High School (Fall 2012) Enrollment by IHE (Fall 2012) IHE Student Transfers (Winter 2013) Student Tracker (Winter 2013) College Data Files (Winter 2013)
MI School Data – Planned Work Additional K-12 K-12 Finance (Design Fall 2012) K-12 Staffing (Fall 2012) Special Education data portraits (Winter 2013) and public reporting (Summer 2013)
MI School Data & Special Education Contains reports that will help you analyze State Performance Plan B-3 data Participation and performance of children with IEPs on statewide assessments: A. Percent of districts with a disability subgroup that meets the State’s AYP targets for the disability group. B. Participation rate for children with IEPs. C. Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade level, modified and alternate academic achievement standards. (20 U.S.C (a)(3)(A)) 9
MI School Data & Special Education MI School Data contains a series of reports called “Special Education Inquiries” These reports contain data around State Performance Plan Indicator B-3 (Statewide Assessment) Reports include district and student level data around performance and participation for: MEAP MME MI-ACCESS Also includes district level reports for: B-3A (AYP) B-3B (Participation) B-3C (Proficiency) 10
MI School Data & CIMS In the August CIMS Workbook, ALL locals (ISDs, local districts, and PSAs) will be issued a Results Transmittal for B-3 (Statewide Assessment) Special Education Inquires will help locals: Review current performance Disaggregate performance by disability subgroup Identify patterns and trends Complete their Results Transmittal with their Review and Analysis Process (RAP) Team 11
User Access The public No password required Local district users and researchers Password required Access to student level data ISD user administrators Use “Contact” link on portal Web site or visit to request access: tacts_ pdf tacts_ pdf 12
Need User Access? If you have access to D4SS … You have access to MI School Data! If you do not have access to MI School Data … Contact the Technical Contact in your ISD to request access Visit and click “Contact” for a complete list of contactshttp://wwww.mischooldata.org Need more help? Ask your ISD monitor! 13
How to Access MI School Data 16 1.Go to 2.Go to the Login page 3.Click Other 4.Click Special Education Inquiries
1. Go to 17
2. Go to the Login Page 18
3. Click Other 19
4. Click Special Education Inquiries 20
Special Education Inquiries Menu Page 21
Special Education Inquiries 23 B-3A – Adequate Yearly Progress B-3B – Participation B-3C – Proficiency MEAP/MI-ACCESS/MME Proficiency MEAP/MI-ACCESS/MME Cohort Analysis MEAP/MI-ACCESS/MME Students Near Proficiency MEAP Comparative Item Analysis MME Standard Analysis
B-3A: Adequate Yearly Progress 24 Allows users to view the number of students tested, enrolled, and proficient for a specific school year and content area Data can be viewed at both the district and building level Primary Questions Did your local meet AYP for the special education subgroup? Did your local make AYP as a district? What information can you gain from reviewing the grade-level proficiency and participation rates to help you understand why your local did (or did not) make AYP for the special education subgroup?
B-3A: Adequate Yearly Progress (cont.) 25
B-3A: Adequate Yearly Progress (cont.) 26
B-3B: Participation 27 Allows users to view the number of students tested, enrolled, and proficient for a specific school year and content area Data can be viewed at both the district and building level Primary Questions In how many grade levels did students with IEPs meet or exceed the state target? Does the participation rate increase or decrease from grade to grade? What trends do you see from third grade through eleventh?
B3-B: Participation (cont.) 28
B3-B: Participation Summary 29
B3-B: Participation Detail 30
B3-B – Participation Detail Results 31
B-3C: Proficiency 32 Allows users to compare the percentage of students achieving proficiency at all grade levels to the state and target Primary Questions In how many grade levels did students with IEPs meet or exceed the state target? Does the proficiency rate increase or decrease from grade to grade? What trends do you see from third grade through eleventh?
B-3C: Proficiency 33
B-3C: Proficiency Summary Results 34
B-3C: Proficiency Detail Results 35
B3-C: Proficiency Detail Results 36
MEAP Proficiency 37 Allows users to analyze how students with IEPs performed on the MEAP and MI-ACCESS by Content area, Strand, Grade level content expectation (GLCE), Grade, or Disability type Primary Questions How did students with IEPs perform on the MEAP and MI-ACCESS by content area, strand, GLCE, and disability type? How did the students with IEPs in your district perform in comparison to your ISD or the state? How did students with one disability type perform in comparison to students with a different disability? What strands or GLCEs did students struggle with or excel at in aggregate?
MEAP Proficiency Inquiry 38
MEAP Proficiency Inquiry Graphic 39
MEAP Proficiency Tabular Results 40
MEAP Proficiency Student Detail 41 NOTE: Student level data is available to individuals with appropriate permissions
MEAP Proficiency Inquiry 42 MEAP, MME, and MI-ACCESS proficiency inquiries can also be disaggregated by primary disability type. Be sure to select ‘Disability Type’ from the Report Category and select a disability type from the Disability Type drop down box.
MEAP Proficiency Inquiry 43
MEAP Proficiency Inquiry 44
MEAP Cohort Analysis 45 Allows users to compare how students with IEPs performed on the MEAP, or MI-ACCESS statewide assessments by content area, strand, GLCE, grade or disability type over one year Primary Questions What is the evidence of one year's growth for one year of instruction for MEAP or MI-ACCESS for students with IEPs? Are students with IEPs improving their performance compared to last year? What are the demographic characteristics of students with IEPs who are close to being proficient on the MEAP or MI-ACCESS test? How did students with one disability type perform in comparison to students with a different disability? How did students instructed in one educational environment perform in comparison to students in a different educational environment?
MEAP Cohort Analysis 46 Are students with IEPs improving their performance compared to the previous year?
MEAP Cohort Analysis Graphic 47
MEAP Cohort Analysis Graphic 48
MEAP Students Near Proficiency 49 Allows users to identify which students are close to achieving proficiency Primary Questions What are the demographic characteristics of students with IEPs who are close to achieving proficiency on the MEAP or MI- ACCESS? Which students with IEPs are close to moving up or down a scoring category (e.g. Level 1 to Level 2)? Is there a difference in the location of instruction between students who are proficient and those near proficiency?
MEAP Students Near Proficiency 50 How many students are x points from achieving proficiency?
MEAP Students Near Proficiency 51
MEAP Students Near Proficiency 52
MEAP Comparative Item Analysis 53 How did students perform on the MEAP in comparison to the state on released items/GLCEs in a strand? Primary Questions Based on this data, where should our schools drill down into the data? Based on this data, where should we focus school improvement efforts? Based on this data, have we confirmed our school improvement goals and measurable objectives? Based on this data, can we confirm our interventions in the content area of concern indicate improvement? Based on this data, where should we focus our curriculum adjustments? Based on this data, where should we focus our instructional adjustments?
MEAP Comparative Item Analysis 54 How are your students doing compared to the State by strand and GLCE?
MEAP Comparative Item Analysis 55
MEAP Comparative Item Analysis
Training and Technical Assistance CIMS Web site: A copy of this presentation will be posted D4SS: Professional development on dynamic inquiry tools Will help you read and understand graphs used in MI School Data 59
What data years are available ? 2011 – 12 2010 – 11 2009 – 10 2008 – 09 2007 – 08 61
How do we report a problem? Use the “Report Issue” function in within MI School Data OR Send an to the Macomb ISD Help Desk: 62
Have additional questions? Contact MI School Data Help Desk : Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI) Michigan Department of Education Macomb ISD Calhoun ISD Shiawassee RESD Thank You