Stage 2 Mentor Portfolio Development
Aims of Today Gain an overview of the London Providers’ Framework for Stage 2 Mentors Produce some exemplification of evidence towards the outcomes Begin to construct your portfolio and evidence sheet
What was the London Providers’ Group aiming to do? The central aim of the mentoring group was to produce a framework for mentor training to be recognised and ‘portable’ across the London region.
Anticipated Outcomes Ensure the highest quality and consistency of school-based mentoring of trainee teachers Raise the status of mentoring in schools Contribute to teachers’ continuing professional development Improve teacher’s ability to undertake high quality observation and feedback Contribute to raising the quality of teaching and learning and of pupil achievement
What does the framework do? This framework makes explicit the characteristics in terms of the knowledge, understanding and abilities that good mentors should possess at different stages in the development of their role.
How do you get the Stage 2 recognition? Stage 2 Training Pre-requisites: Attendance at Stage 1 training 12 hours of mentoring activities at Stage 1
Stage 2 Training Programme: A minimum of 12 hours focused on the Stage 2 learning outcomes Attendance certificate awarded by provider
London Providers Stage 2 Certificate is issued when the SBT/Mentor has: Mentored at least two more trainees for a further 12 hours of mentoring activities in relation to Stage 2 learning outcomes Has submitted the required evidence including provider’s attendance certificate
Group Activity Scan the ‘tracker’ and the extract from the framework in the School Based Trainers’ Handbook (page 8) Jot down the likely sources of evidence for each of the areas Work as a group to collate ideas and enter them onto the group’s tracker
Debrief Areas that need further exemplification Areas where evidence arises ‘naturally’ Areas that require ‘setting up’ Quantity vs quality of evidence – what is enough? Are there any of the requirements that need further explanation?
Next Steps Annotate existing evidence Collect and annotate further evidence Complete the Stage 2 Portfolio Summary All forms and the exemplification will be in the mentor area of WebCT Portfolio submission 22nd June