Welcome to Year 2 SATs information
Objectives To discuss the different forms of assessment in Year 2. When will the SATs take place? How will they be administered? To look at examples of SATs papers.
Assessment Target tracker – ongoing KS1 SATs Teacher assessment- through observations and discussions
When and how From week commencing 9 th May 2016 The children will be in a classroom environment but not sat directly next to another pupil. They will not be allowed to talk to each other or copy. A class teacher and a teaching assistant will be present. During the maths paper adults are allowed to help read any of the questions. However they are not allowed to read numbers etc.
National Expectation We will not be informed of the pass mark boundaries until results are collated from all schools in England.
SATs Test Maths – mental arithmatic Maths- Reasoning 2 Reading assessments Spelling Punctuation and grammar
Support The children are unable to use any practical equipment to support them. They have lots of space to use written strategies and drawings to help them workout the answers.
Reading When working with your child at home use the ‘Reading Prompt Book for Parents/Carers’ as this suggests a range of questions to ask. Ensure that the children are not just reading but understanding what they have read, make predictions and make inferences and deductions. Read a variety of stories to them to develop their vocabulary and variety of text.
Writing It is vital that your child speaks in standard English to ensure that there writing is grammatically correct and words are not omitted. Words will also be spelt more accurately if they are pronounced correctly. Through reading your child can develop their vocabulary and understanding of better adjectives, verbs and adverbs that they can then use in their writing.
Spelling As your child becomes more familiar with spelling patterns and rules their spelling accuracy will improve. We will continue with spelling lessons in school and send home the rules/patterns we are focusing on. Please practise the words we sent home earlier in the year.
Please feel free to have a look at the SATs papers around the room. Please ask if you have any questions Thank you for coming.