“Hemligheter bakom lyckade ansökningar” Vetenskapsrådet; 18th April 2007 Stockholm, Sverige Prof. Hannu SALMI Heureka, University of Dalarna, Sweden Member of the Advisory Group; Science In Society; EU/DG Research
Science Education and Communication - via crises - via crises !? SPUTNIK TSERNOBYL “INFORMATION SOCIETY” 2061 PISA –positive crises… CLIMATE …… or via pro-active way!!!!!
Science, technology and education Towards public understanding of science (Salmi 1993, 2001)
Info about proposals I Download (and read!) all documents Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) provides information on all EU-supported R&D activities, including programmes, projects and calls
Info about proposals II Seventh Research Framework programme: RTD-Info Magazine: en.htmlhttp://ec.europa.eu/research/rtdinfo/index_ en.html -- ALSO PAPER VERSION !!!
Language - Språket Although proposals are written in English, however, find all existing material also ”på svenska” to be used as a side-material!
Creating & writing the proposal Enough time for proposal writing Own dead-line EARLY ENOUGH before the official dead-line The Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS) – be aware of jamming!!! Team work – not only net-based and e- mailing – but arranging sessions & seminars just for writing (2 to 4 persons)
Goals, objectives Funding is given for the goals of the programme ---- NOT for the project or institute = REAL project
Manysided consortiums The amount of partners (vary) Georaphy – not so important any more – except the ”new” countries If possible, not only one TYPE of organisations (universities, reseach centres, etc.)
The real European aspect The amount of countires does not quarrantee the European aspect Most often co-operation between two partners inside the cosortium How to get the added value of different partners = SHOW THE EUROPEAN ASPECT IN THE PROPOSAL!
Management & organisation Describtion of the type of the partners Describtion of the roles of the partners … the structure of the organisation …. The management of the organisation
Work Package Description Naming & defining the work package Person month (PM) per participant Objetives Description of the work Delivarebles: D1, D2, …DN+1 Milestones and expected results Be clear. Don’t promise too much.
Evaluation criteria Compare your application to –Official Check-list –Evaluation criteria … not only in the end of writing, but also during the writing process and BEFORE starting. Total points AND Tresholds Evaluators are human beings… huge reading work: welcome welcome
Evaluation criteria II Total points AND Tresholds Evaluators are human beings… huge reading work… clear language: summary important fuseaction=wel.welcome
Contribution of the Competitiveness Council to the Spring European Council on the Mid Term Review of the Lisbon Strategy (28 February 2005) In building the knowledge society to ensure competitiveness of Europe the following objective will be pursued: ‘ special attention should be paid ‘The emergence of a trans-European labour market for researchers […] ; special attention should be paid * to young people * the role of women in science * to science awareness in society at large’ Policy drive
Aho Report, Creating an Innovative Europe of January 2006 appointed following the Hampton Court Summit The report invites: ‘politicalbusiness social leaders’ - ‘a huge act of will and commitment from political, business and social leaders to deliver on the goals of the Lisbon Agenda’ ‘Europe’s innovation ecology ’ - ‘to show that all the drivers of Europe’s innovation ecology are willing to work together’ ‘ a cultural shift ’ - ‘to foster a cultural shift which celebrates innovation’
AL1 AL1 A more dynamic governance of the science and society relationship - Better understanding of place of S&T in society -Broader engagement to anticipate and clarify political, societal and ethical issues - Strengthening and improving the European Science system -Evolving role of universities => CONTENT CALLS IN 2007 !!!
AL2 Strengthening Potential, Broadening Horizons - Gender and Research -Young People and Science (education and careers) => CONTENT CALLS IN 2007
SCIENCE IN SOCIETY European Research Area (ERA). A total of €623 million is earmarked under the new programme for the 'Social and economic sciences and humanities' thematic priority.
Science in Society: Capacities Calls open spring COOPERATIONIDEAS PEOPLECAPACITIES seaction=UserSite.CapacitiesDetailsCallP age&call_id=33http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/dc/index.cfm?fu seaction=UserSite.CapacitiesDetailsCallP age&call_id=33