Benchmarking for Improved Water Utility Performance
Individual Action Plan
Goal to enable each participant to apply the information learned to his/her actual work requiremen
5 Steps activity is proposed for the action plan process Step 1: Professional Goals, issue/Problem Identification, and solutions Development Step 2: Action Plan Part 1 Step 3: Action Plan Part2 (Completion of Action Plan)
5 Steps activity is proposed for the action plan process Step 4: Submission/Presentation of Action Plan. Step 5: Implement and monitor the Action Plan
In step 1, each participant is required to complete a Worksheet (1)
List the three to five professional goals for you as they relate to the workshop. List the three to five expectations or results from the training you hope to achieve. Develop a statement that highlights the key problem, topic, or issue that you are directly trying to address or solve by attending the training.
In Worksheet (2), list out the possible solutions and identify the tools or resources you may need to reach the solutions
In Step 2 participants begin the actual development of their action plan
For the first part of the Action Plan use Worksheet (3), that consists of the following key items; I. Name of the Action Plan II. Mission Statement III. Goals/Objectives to be achieved by the Action Plan.
In Step 3 participants will have the remaining time to refine the Mission Statement and Goals/Objectives
Complete then the additional sections: I. Performance Measures or Indicators linked to the Goals/Objectives II. Detailed Work Plan (implementation Schedule) III. Resources required to complete the work plan.
In Step 4 participants have to give a short (maximum 5 minutes) presentation on his or her Action Plan to the Group.