The main idea behind develop this project was total control over the CLIENT through the SERVER. System is design such as control over the LAN. Interaction to CLIENT via LAN or Internet with remote SERVER. SERVER was programmable such as it handle the CLIENT.
Background Today n/w is very common requirement from small business to corporate sector. In Windows networking using the network Places application we can easily browse every computer which is connected to LAN. But sometimes the requirement is different, suppose we want to copy, delete, rename or install application on every computer which is connected. There is one drawback with windows networking. We have to perform these operation on each computer manually. Means we have to browse each computer one by one and then perform these same task on every computer again and again. This process is very lengthy, boring, and also time consuming.
Need So the solution for this problem is our project i.e. Network Command Executer. When we start this project it display all the computers which are connected. Then we have put some common task in our project like, copy a file, create a folder, delete a file, delete a folder, rename a file, install application, shutdown, start a particular application, printing, message passing and many more. After that just select any command from the list and then that selected command is executed on each computer which is in network. So there is no need to perform this operation manually on each computer.
Design Goals The basic goals to design this project is that control the Client through Server in following way: 1. Send the message to Client. 2. Which resource Client allocated. 3. Which process running on Client. 4. Kill the processes running on Client. 5. Create, Delete,Copy & Chatting files to Client.
Working Environment Software Environment J2SE JDK 1.5 or higher. An Editor for project development. TCP/IP drivers. Hardware Environment Windows XP or Linux LAN PCs (at least two) Network card
Hardware Requirement For Server: Above Pentium 2 processor 256 MB RAM. 2 GB HDD space. Parallel/Serial port. For Client: Above Pentium 2 processor 128 MB RAM. 1 GB HDD space.
Software Requirement JAVA 2- Tier Architecture Swing Event Handling File Handling
Modules Server Client
System Actors and Functionality Server Authenicate Take control to Client Updates User
System Actors and Functionality Client Login to Server Request to Server Send Massage
Process for Client
Server Window
References IEEE Paper: Network Security By Atul Kahate Network Security By William Stallings Complete Reference to Java 2 By Herbert Schildt Core Java By Sun Microsystems - Gary Cornell. Software Engineering By Roger Pressman. Other sources PDF documents on chatting Java language specification :