The Hot Zone By Richard Preston
Part One: The Shadow of Mt. Elgon
Mount Elgon Kenya-Uganda Border Ancient inactive volcano--huge caldera
Kitum Cave
Elephants and Bats
Elephant Scrapings
Insects And Rock Hyrax
USAMRIID United States Army Medical Research Institute on Infectious Disease
Chemturion Suit Racal Suit
Marburg Filovirus Related to Ebola Originated in Africa 1st Outbreak in Germany Level 4 biocontainment Causes headache, muscle ache, fever, vomiting, hemorrhaging, death
UPCOMING GRAPHIC PICTURES Ebola Filovirus 5 Types Ebola Zaire Ebola Sudan Ebola Reston Ebola Tai Forest 5. Ebola Bundibugyo WARNING: UPCOMING GRAPHIC PICTURES
Treatments Working on vaccine Supportive Care Fluids, electrolytes Oxygen Treat other infections Prevention is key Proper hygiene (wash hands!) Avoid contact with bats and primate meat/fluids Avoid travel to infected areas Do not handle Ebola patient’s items
Ebola Zaire Most deadly form of Ebola 90% fatality rate There have been more outbreaks of Ebola-Zaire than any other type of Ebola 1st outbreak was in 1976 in Yambuku, Zaire Index Case—Mabelo Lokela
Ebola Sudan Index case—Mr. Yu. G.
Ebola Reston You will learn more about this outbreak in the next section
Ebola Tai Forest Formally Ebola Ivory Coast 1st outbreak in 1994 (after The Hot Zone was written) Autopsy on a wild chimpanzee Not much is known
Ebola Bundibugyo Outbreak occurred in December 2007-January 2008 37 dead, 149 infected in an outbreak in the Bundibugyo district in Western Uganda
March 2014 Outbreak The largest outbreak ever in recorded history started in 2014. There were 28,639 cases and 11,316 people died Effected multiple countries including Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia most heavily As of 3.2.16, no cases in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone Related to Ebola Zaire, type ??
Survivors After the 2014 Ebola outbreak there are more Ebola survivors than ever before. Persistent medical conditions--joint pain, eye problems, headaches, and other chronic health issues Ebola virus can stay in certain body fluids
Part Two: The Monkey House
Reston, Virginia
Reston, Virginia
Reston Primate Quarantine Unit Quarantine monkeys for 1 month Sent monkeys all over the U.S. for laboratory research Crab Eating Monkeys—Long Tailed Macaques Island of Mindanao Manila Amsterdam New York Reston, Virginia
Nancy Jaax (USAMRIID)
Jerry Jaax (USAMRIID)
Tom Geisbert (USAMRIID)
Peter Jahrling (USAMRIID)
Joe McCormick (CDC)
Fred Murphy (CDC)
The Institute Video