The passing of genetic information from one generation to the next generation.
Nucleus Part of the cell that contains chromosomes and controls all the cell activities.
Chromosome Structures made of the organic molecules called DNA; they determine all the inherited traits of the individual. Man has 46 chromosomes in body cells, and 23 chromosomes in egg and sperm cells.
Gene Specific area of the DNA molecule that determines a particular trait Ex: hair color
Sexual Reproduction Type of reproduction in which two sex cells (an egg and a sperm) join to form a zygote. The zygote will develop into a new organism with a unique identity.
Fertilization The joining of a sperm and egg
Zygote New cell that forms as the result of the sperm fertilizing the egg The zygote will divide producing many cells that develop into a new organism
Asexual Reproduction Type of reproduction in which a new organism is produced from one parent and has DNA identical to the parent organism. Examples: fission, budding, regeneration