T ESTS : Tests are given after every unit of study covered and at the end of each semester. Advance notice is given prior to each test. If you are absent on the day of a test you will have to take the test the day you return. If you are absent for several days, immediately upon your return, schedule a day to make up the missed test. Remember, it is your responsibility to make up missed tests.
Q UIZZES /N OTES : Quizzes are given on most Fridays, after the week of instruction on a topic. You may use the Cornell notes taken though out the week on the Friday quiz. The notes are due with the quiz on Friday. You need a college line, standard sized, bound book of paper to take notes and turn in each Friday. The cover needs a heading on the front with your name, “Computer Class,” “Blatt Room 22,” period #, and school year. Students will be graded on the quiz and notes (100 points each). You need to make up the quiz and turn in your notes upon returning to school if you are absent.
A SSIGNMENTS : Assignments will be based on the study skills or software learned in the form of “projects”. These projects will be collected or presented to the class each date due and then placed in your end of the year personal electronic portfolio that will be stored on the district’s server and be burned to CD at the end of the year. Projects range from a data graph, research paper, Power Point slide show, video, essay, or a scanned photo designs. You will learn how to use different types of software to make these projects based on 7 th grade curriculum you are studying. Assignments and due dates will be posted on the class website, parent portal, and on the class board starting the second week of school. Completing assignments on time is important. If you are absent, you are still responsible to turn in the assignment you missed. It is your responsibility to make up the work and turn it in one week from the day after returning to school. Write or type ABSENT on late assignments along with the date you returned to school and date you turned in the assignment. Most of the assignments should be completed in class but can be worked on at home or in the school computer lab in the library if necessary.
C LASSROOM E XPECTATIONS : Desert Junior High School rules and classroom rules will be enforced. If it becomes necessary to contact parents, it will be done by either , a phone call or a note mailed or sent with the student to be signed.
G RADES : Academic grades will be tabulated from assignments, tests, quizzes, and notes A+ Above 100% A % A % B % B 85-83% B % C % C 75-73% C % D % D 65-63% D % F 59% and lower
C LASS P RACTICES Homework: Homework is work not completed in class. Late work: Late work will not be accepted if it is more than 2 days late. Please be on time with class work. Grading Practices: Periodically I will have students trade a quiz or test with classmates and have them score the other’s work. This practice allows the students to review the content learned and consider other ways to solve problems other than how they might have answered. Students also can grade other’s projects based on a given Rubric Score.
A TTENDANCE : Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. If you are not sitting next to your computer when the bell rings you will be marked tardy. The first tardy is “free” for each quarter the second tardy is a one hour after school detention.
C LASSROOM R ULES : Be on time and prepared. Do not chew gum, eat candy/food or drink beverages in class. Do not engage in conversation that does not pertain to class work. Do not write or pass notes or read books that are not a part of your class work or do work from other classes. Do not do work for other students or plagiarize. Do not disrupt the class. Students will be warned once, the second time they owe me a paragraph (5 sentences) stating what rule they broke and how they will make a better choice next time due the next day. If still not following class rules, parents will be contacted. If it still continues, they will be written up in a referral to the Vice Principal.
S UPPLIES NEEDED FOR THE WHOLE YEAR : 1 new CD-R 700 MB with your name and period on it 1 college rule, bound notebook Pen or sharpened pencil Positive Attitude
H EADING FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS : First and Last Name Date Period Assignment Name