A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ ‘TRANSITION MENTAL HEALTH AND FAMILY COLLABORATIVE’ Karen Green - Area Manager Defence Community Organisation (DCO) Townsville 2009 Qld and Nth Qld AASW Conference
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Overview of Presentation Acknowledgements Australian Defence Force (ADF) context Mental Health and ADF members Why is Social Work essential in the ADF? Rationale for the Townsville Collaborative Methodology Change priorities Practice improvements Comments and Questions
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Acknowledgements Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health (ACPMH) Couple Care – Gold Coast Bouverie Centre - Melbourne Department of Defence Department of Veterans Affairs Collaborative partners Consumers and carers Ex-service organisations Funding – Australian Government Mental Health Lifecycle Package
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Defence context and community supports ADF MEMBER PARTNER & FAMILY COMMANDERS DCO Social Workers Family Liaison Officers Military Liaison Officers Admin Officers Regional Ed. Liaison Officers DTM/ DSTA Padres/ Chaplains ADF Psychologists Health & welfare DFA DSNSG ADF Family Centres ADF Child Care Education Sport Recreation Entertainment Cultural Spiritual
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Natural disasters Impacts and supports for the mental health of ADF members ADF MEMBER PARTNER & FAMILY COMMANDERS DCO Social Workers Family Liaison Officers Military Liaison Officers Admin Officers Regional Ed. Liaison Officers DTM/ DSTA Padres/ Chaplains Transition Centre ADF Psychologists Health & welfare DFA Mental Health Review (2009) DSNSG ADF Family Centres ADF Child Care Education Sport Recreation Entertainment Cultural Spiritual Policy Exposure to PTE Legislation Org changes Reviews Natural disasters Global Engagements Multiple Deployments Humanitarian crisis Peace-keeping missions
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Why is Social Work essential in the ADF? ADF MEMBER PARTNER & FAMILY COMMANDERS Counselling Assessment Consultancy Group work Community capacity building Referral Critical Incident and Casualty Support Mobility Support Deployment Support Resilience Enhancement Command, Management and Policy
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Why a Townsville collaborative? Significant Defence population High operational tempo in war-like environments Significant periods of absence from families Well developed community networks Significant opportunity for improving mental health and family practices
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Why a Townsville Collaborative? Unique challenges of transitioning from military to civilian life Medical discharges present further challenges Preparation and support through transition is critical
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Change Priorities Collaboration: Improved inter-agency collaboration Engagement: More effective engagement and communication practices Recognition: Better recognise mental health and family problems Families: Improved family sensitive and inclusive practices Interventions: More effective advice, support and referral
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Methodology Pre-Work Phase Formation Of teams Pre-Work Activities Dec 08 –Jan 09 Feb 09 May 09 Aug 09 Nov 09 Learning Session 1 Learning Lesson 2 Learning Lesson 3 Collaborative Conference Action Period 1 Action Period 2 Action Period 3 ACTION PERIODS Team Plans, Implement & Test ideas Results inform adoption of practices, or next Cycle of planning & implementation Support from collaborative organisers -Teleconferences (senior leaders & Team) -Site visits Plan Implement Act Study
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Practice Improvements
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Where to from here?
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ QUESTIONS & COMMENTS
A professional organisation working across government to deliver effective military capability ’ Thank you for your interest Karen Green - Area Manager Defence Community Organisation (DCO) Townsville