“Guernica”, 1937 Pablo Picasso ( ) Oil on canvas 349cm x 776 cm Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid
BritainFranceU.S.S.R. Germany & Italy NationalistsRepublicans vs. background Peasants wanted land workers wanted rights self-government in Catalonia self-government in Basque 1931 – King abdicates new Republic attempts to make radical reforms socialists communists anyone who supported the Republic Catholic Church army “Falange” – Spain’s fascist group led by Francisco Franco hoped to gain Italian support feared the fascists in France however, in both countries, civilians participated in what were Called “International Brigades”, Americans and Canadians too provided the Republicans with their only weapons NON-INTERVENTION AGREEMENT sent “relics” received $500 million in gold Hitler sent the “Luftwaffe”, noted for the bombing at Guernica Mussolini sent troops, hoping to expand Italian influence “testing ground” for the new technologies of war dress rehearsal of “blitzkrieg” IRONY??