The Protestant Reformation
Causes of the Reformation? Church corruption: Too involved in politics and not in religion Misuse of money Spent on war, art, monuments and the like Church Offices Simony – buy one Pluralism – have more than one Nepotism – give relatives one For a while there were 2 Popes Papal need for money indulgences. Tetzel “ As soon as a coin in the collection box rings. Another soul from Purgatory springs.”
The Holy Roman Empire in the 16 c A large area ruled by an emperor. Not really Holy, or Roman. The Holy Roman Empire in the 16 c A large area ruled by an emperor. Not really Holy, or Roman.
Luther Gets the credit, but… Others had spoken out against the church and its “theology” John Wycliffe in England against the French Pope Jean Hus in ‘Czechoslovakia’
Luther Catholic monk.Catholic monk. Studied the BibleStudied the Bible “Justification by faith alone”“Justification by faith alone” No need for anything elseNo need for anything else Disillusioned with the church, but did he really want to Re Form the Church, or Reform the Church?Disillusioned with the church, but did he really want to Re Form the Church, or Reform the Church? 95 Theses95 Theses
The Spread of Lutheranism "I would never have thought that such a storm would rise from Rome over one simple scrap of paper..." (Martin Luther)
Diet Of Worms Luther excommunicated HRE puts Luther on trial – Declared a heretic. Why was he never caught? –German Princes in the North protected and hid him. Changes to Catholicism: –No more relics, saints etc, confession, indulgences –Marriage of priests –Services in German
Why did people convert? –Princes saw it as a way of gaining power from RC Church –It was a German faith Peasants saw these changes as a chance to end feudal system…
The Peasant Revolt Did Luther support the peasants? No Because he never wanted the changes that came about, and this was too much WHY?
Calvinism John Calvin in Geneva. Theocracy – religious government Predestination – God already knows who will be saved – only those who try to live truly Christian lives could have been chosen. Strict rules No drinking, gambling, bright colors, dancing, swearing. Instead hard work, discipline, honesty and morality
Protestant V Catholic (not for the last time) Diet of Augsburg - to force Catholicism on Holy Roman Empire (HRE) Led to war and Peace of Augsburg 1555 –2 denominations RC and Lutheran –“Cuius regio, eius religio” – He who rules the land decides the religion. North becomes mainly Lutheran and South stays Catholic.
English Reformation Lollards had begun the movement to reform church under John Wycliffe Separation from RC came under Henry VIII and his divorce issues. Enjoy the story:
Henry VIII + Co Catherine Aragon Daughter Mary RC - divorced Anne Boleyn Daughter Elizabeth P - beheaded Jane Seymour Son Edward Tudor P - died Anne Of Cleves no children – divorced Katherine Howard no children – beheaded Catherine Parr no children – survived What was the line of succession? Why?
The Anglican Church New Church founded by Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell Act of Supremacy made Henry the only supreme head on earth of the Church in England. Catholics could not accept it. WHY? –Replaced the Pope! –Thomas More (King’s friend and advisor) executed Henry VIII took Catholic lands and sold them (including those in Ireland)
The Rest of the Tudors Edward VI – Crowned age 9. Devout P. –Thomas Cranmer writes Anglican Bible Book of Common Prayer Determined to end RC influence in his realm. Dies young with no heir fortunately or we might have had Bloody Edward! Mary – Bloody. RC and angry. Tries to return England to RC and persecutes the rest! Dies with no heir
Elizabeth I Recognizes the issues of religion but wants a strong united country. She compromises! Act of Supremacy reinstated but with concessions to Catholicism The “OREO” church Protestant inside and Catholic outside! Act of Uniformity – one church - any Catholic behavior was treason Book of Common Prayer reinstated! While all these professed Anti Catholicism, there was very little persecution as long as the offenders were discreet
Counter Reformation “Empire Strikes Back” Council of Trent - almost 20 years of meetings to sort out the issues raised by Protestantism Index of Forbidden Books Reaffirmed traditional Catholicism Relics, saints, images, good works all accepted Inquisition – Witches and Jews! Society of Jesus, 1540 –Ignatius of Loyola ( ) –3 “SHUNS” –Educa-shun were they successful? Support your answer –Preven-shun were they successful? Support your answer –Conver-shun were they successful? Support your answer