CHAPTER 2 Advantages of trading overseas and the role of the export and shipping office
Export benefits and risk The export office organization and structure Contents Export benefits and risk 1 The export office role 2 The export office organization and structure 3 Company Logo
2.1Export benefits and risk 2.2.1 Export benefits Increased company turnover The company becomes more competitive Economics of scale are achieved Increased company exposure on international scale Spreading the risk and opportunities The higher standards and the use of more technology Company Logo
2.1Export benefits and risk 2.2.1 Export risks The export market involves a longer time scale of payment. Increased range of interest rates, exchange rate. Economics/political/financial risk Customs tariff and non-tariff barriers Corruption, crime, expropriation and fraud New skills Company Logo
2.2 The Export office role The size of the company, its products, and scale of export business will largely influence the form of export organization. Company Logo
2.3 The export office organization and structure In the large export-oriented company a greater degree of specialization is essential which usually involves the appointment of an export marketing manager, an export sales manager, and a shipping manager, each with defined responsibilities. Company Logo
2.3 The export office organization and structure Structure of shipping manager logistic organization Export Director. Exporting Marketing Manager Shipping Manager Export Sales Manager Deputy shipping Manager Custom Liaison Office Traffic officer Air Freight Traffic officer ISO containers Far East. Traffic officer road haulage Europe Traffic officer ISO containers North America Logistics executive Logistics executive Logistics executive Logistics executive Logistics executive Company Logo
2.3 The export office organization and structure Basically there are three type of sales office. 1、Produce orientated 2、Customer orientated 3、Market group or area-based organization Company Logo
2.3 The export office organization and structure Export marketing manager Export sales manager Export shipping manager Product group Y Advertising Product group X Company Logo
2.3 The export office organization and structure Export marketing manager Export sales manager Cars Advertising Export shipping manager Building Company Logo
2.3 The export office organization and structure Export marketing manager Export sales manager Europe Middle East Export shipping manager America Africa Advertising Company Logo
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