Office of Academic Programs tracks change(s); notifies Advisement; and sends copy of approved paperwork w/effective date to Registrar Office of Academic.


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Presentation transcript:

Office of Academic Programs tracks change(s); notifies Advisement; and sends copy of approved paperwork w/effective date to Registrar Office of Academic Programs tracks change(s); notifies Advisement; and sends copy of approved paperwork w/effective date to Registrar Course can go to Registrar/be offered w/o GE attribute before SUNY approval secured 1. COURSE CHANGES College Curriculum Committee CURRICULAR CHANGE APPROVAL PROCESSES If course serves other programs, consult with other department chairs and secure signature on course change form Department Chair Reported out at CCC use “course change proposal” form submission deadlines (of approved form to Registrar’s Office): April 1 for fall; November 1 for spring; February 1 for summer for proposed Gen Ed attribute changes (+ or -) use SUNY templates for adding or deleting GE attributes (see education/) education/ Dean Notification of approval DRAFT FOR 9/23/15 CCC MEETING

Reported out at Senate; Registrar puts designation on course 2.COURSES W/SERVICE LEARNING (SL) DESIGNATION 2.COURSES W/SERVICE LEARNING (SL) DESIGNATION not a permanent course change (applies for one semester only) fill out sustainability form send w/syllabus to Director, Center for Social Responsibility & Community (CSRC), for consultation submission deadlines (to Registrar): March 10 for fall; October 1 for spring; February 1 for summer a course previously approved for SL doesn’t require College Curriculum Committee (CCC) review if no change in instructor or format College Curriculum Committee Department Chair Reported out at Senate; Registrar puts designation on course SL Subcommittee of CCC 3. COURSES W/ SUSTAINABILITY DESIGNATIONS 3. COURSES W/ SUSTAINABILITY DESIGNATIONS Sustainability-focused designations are assigned to courses; sustainability-related designations apply for one semester only fill out sustainability form send w/syllabus to Sustainability Coordinator for consultation submission deadlines: x and y Department Chair College Curriculum Committee SL Subcommittee of CCC DRAFT FOR 9/23/15 CCC MEETING

Registrar Department Chair 4. SPECIAL TOPICS COURSES submit “proposal for special topics course“ form course # must be either 294 or 394 submit with schedule for following semester to dean (when course will be taught) the same “sp. topics” course can be offered only twice if the course is to be offered a third time, then it must be proposed as a new course (see #6 or #7) special topics courses cannot carry Gen Ed attributes If sp topics course subs for program requirements, dept. chair notifies Academic Advisement Dean DRAFT FOR 9/23/15 CCC MEETING

Dean For domestic travel, consult Office of Continuing Ed. for international travel, consult Office of International Ed. 5. FACULTY-LED OFF-CAMPUS COURSES complete “request to conduct a faculty-led off-campus course” form attach course syllabus, travel itinerary, line item budget if an existing course, submit course description if a special topics, submit a special topics course form if a new course to be added to program, follow approval process for new courses (see #6) submit to either Office of Continuing Ed (domestic travel) or Office of International Ed (international travel) two weeks before schedule due to be submitted by Dean Department Chair Continuing Ed. or International Ed. DRAFT FOR 9/23/15 CCC MEETING

6. NEW COURSES w/o proposal for Gen Ed. Attribute(s) accepted on a rolling basis, but submission deadlines for scheduling course established on Academic Affairs Admin. calendar use new course proposal form and append answers to 9 questions (see form instructions on Registrar’s website) courses may not carry SUNY Gen Ed attributes until approval has been secured from SUNY through a separate process (see #7) if the new course alters a program’s requirements for completion (e.g., adds an internship), the program needs to be re-registered (i.e. sent to SUNY, see #9) any change to a program leading to NYS teacher certification or licensure may require the program to be re-registered with SUNY & the State Education Department Department Chair If major changes required, repeat process. If minor changes, proposal revised by Dept. Chair, resubmitted to Dean. Notification of approval from Dean. Reported out at CCC Office of Academic Programs tracks change(s); notifies Advisement; and sends approved paperwork w/effective date to Registrar Office of Academic Programs tracks change(s); notifies Advisement; and sends approved paperwork w/effective date to Registrar Dean New Course Subcommittee of CCC Reported out at Senate DRAFT FOR 9/23/15 CCC MEETING

Office of Academic Programs will send the GE –attribute request to SUNY using “courSES” system 7. NEW COURSES w/proposal for Gen Ed attribute(s) Department Chair Course can go to Registrar/be offered w/o GE attribute before SUNY approval secured Reported out at CCC New Course Subcommittee of CCC Reported out at Senate Gen Ed Subcommittee of CCC accepted on a rolling basis, but Registrar’s submission deadlines established on Academic Affairs admin. calendar use new course proposal form and append answers to 9 questions (see form instructions on Registrar’s website) courses may not carry SUNY Gen Ed attributes until approval has been secured from SUNY if the new course alters a program’s requirements for completion (e.g., adds an internship), the program needs to be re-registered (i.e. sent to SUNY, see #11) any change to a program leading to NYS teacher certification or licensure may require the program to be re-registered with SUNY & the State Education Department Dean Notification of approval from Dean DRAFT FOR 9/23/15 CCC MEETING

Dean –evaluation from Dean (proposing dept. must be copied) Department College Curriculum Committee Existing minor: reported out. New minor: voted on at Senate. 8. NEW OR REVISED MINORS Approved proposal & tracking form Provost Office of Academic Programs tracks change(s); notifies Dept. Chair, Dean, and Advisement; sends copy of approved paperwork w/effective date to Registrar send memo to CCC requesting new, or revisions to, minor with justification and list of courses all new courses to be included in minor must be approved through the new course process first (see #6 and #7) If minor includes courses from other programs, consult with other department chairs DRAFT FOR 9/23/15 CCC MEETING

SUNY Office of Academic Planning, Policy & Evaluation Dean(s) Office of Academic Programs tracks change(s); notifies Dept. Chair, Dean, Advisement and Admissions; sends copy of approved paperwork w/effective date to Registrar Office of Academic Programs notifies Dept. Chair, Dean, Accreditation Liaison Officer, and submits proposal to SUNY Provost NY State Education Dept. 9. NEW PROGRAMS (undergraduate majors) Department Chair in consultation w/Dean follow CCC guidelines on preparing new program proposals consult SUNY’s Guide to Academic Program Planning (see affairs/SUNY-Guide-to-Academic-Program-Planning.pdf) affairs/SUNY-Guide-to-Academic-Program-Planning.pdf double-check that disciplinary transfer paths have been satisfied through proposed curriculum changes. submit SUNY forms to CCC (side-by-side comparison of old: proposed programs; and 8- term curriculum maps) note: no advertising of proposed program is permissible before approval by State Ed submit 1A Program Announcement and 1B Letter of Intent before submitting 2A new undergraduate degree proposed other program(s) impacted by proposal College Curriculum Committee after consultation w/both Finance Office & Accreditation Liaison Officer, -evaluation from Dean College Senate DRAFT FOR 9/23/15 CCC MEETING Approved proposal & tracking form

Office of Academic Programs notifies Dept. Chair(s), Dean(s), sends copy of approved paperwork to Advisement & Registrar w/ effective dates Office of Academic Programs notifies Dept. Chair, Dean, Advisement, and Admissions; sends copy of approved paperwork w/effective date to Registrar College Senate College Curriculum Committee SUNY Office of Academic Planning, Policy & Evaluation NY State Education Dept. 10. REVISING EXISTING PROGRAMS (undergraduate majors) Department Chair in consultation w/Dean send memo to CCC requesting and justifying changes, and explaining revision to program (include curriculum outlines of current and proposed revised curriculum), including addition or subtraction of existing courses to majors, tracks, or concentrations submit SUNY form 3-A Re-registration of Program if the proposed change(s) alter the focus, design, discipline, title, program award, mode of delivery or location of delivery; format change that alters financial-aid eligibility (e.g., to an abbreviated or accelerated semester); if a requirement for completion is eliminated (e.g., an internship req. is removed); if an option or concentration is added or deleted; if the program leads to teaching certification or license, or if changes cumulatively since (last) program registration has amounted to or exceeded 1/3 of the total degree requirements (e.g. 40 hours of a degree program requiring 120 s.h.) evaluations from Dean(s) If no program re- registration required Provost If re-registration required Dean(s) other program(s) impacted by proposal DRAFT FOR 9/23/15 CCC MEETING