Scenario 1 – Resident View
How can we help you? Please type in your question or need. SEARCH Want to track your interactions with the city? Click here to create a profile or sign in. Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Live Chat Sign in / Create a profile English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Ok. You have chickens in your street and want them gone? Yes No, I need something else Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Ok. You have chickens in your street and want them gone? Yes No, I need something else Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH How to remove chickens from the street: 1.Report the incident to local code enforcement. Where are the chickens? Address, Intersection or Neighborhood Map Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH How to remove chickens from the street: 2. Confirm the location of the chickens: Approximate address: 1200 Brickell Ave., Miami, FL Map Click here to confirm Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH How to remove chickens from the street: 3.Thank you! A local code enforcement officer will you the results of the investigation within 7 business days. Please enter your and take note of the following confirmation number: Confirmation number: SR Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH How to remove chickens from the street: 4. If you still need further information, please contact your local code enforcement office: Your local code enforcement office is: Address Phone Type your address Live Chat English Español Kréyol
Scenario 2 – Resident View
How can we help you? Please type in your question or need. SEARCH Want to track your interactions with the city? Click here to create a profile or sign in. Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Live Chat Sign in / Create a profile English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Ok. You have live chickens in your street and want them gone? Yes No, I need something else Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Ok. You have live chickens in your street and want them gone? Yes No, I need something else Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Ok. Is your issue one of the following? Am I allowed to have a chicken as a pet? Dead animals in a public right-of-way? Bird flu? Click on your issue above No, I need something else Live Chat English Español Kréyol or
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Sorry we haven’t been able to help you, yet. Please click on Live Chat below for better assistance. English Español Kréyol Live Chat
Scenario 3 – Resident View with Profile
How can we help you? Please type in your question or need. SEARCH Want to track your interactions with the city? Click here to create a profile or sign in. Live Chat English Español Kréyol
How can we help you? Please type in your question or need. SEARCH Want to track your interactions with the city? Click here to create a profile or sign in. Live Chat English Español Kréyol
How can we help you? Please type in your question or need. SEARCH Live Chat English Español Kréyol Hi, Katie! Pay Water Bill Pay Property Tax Pay Local Business Tax Residence: 111 NW 1 st St., Miami, FL Latest Activity: Code enforcement Details: “What to do with chickens in the 06/02/ :00pm Confirmation # SR Click here for more information.
Scenario 1 – Public Servant View
How can we help you? Please type in your question or need. SEARCH Want to track your interactions with the city? Click here to create a profile or sign in. Live Chat English Español Kréyol SMILE! Say: “Good morning. How can I help you?” in a friendly tone.
How can we help you? Please type in your question or need. SEARCH Want to track your interactions with the city? Click here to create a profile or sign in. Live Chat English Español Kréyol Type in their question, then hit “search”.
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Live Chat Sign in / Create a profile English Español Kréyol As you learn about their issue, ask them questions. Engage them in a conversation that shows you, and the City, care.
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Ok. You have chickens in your street and want them gone? Yes No, I need something else Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH Ok. You have chickens in your street and want them gone? Yes No, I need something else Live Chat English Español Kréyol
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH How to remove chickens from the street: 1.Report the incident to local code enforcement. Where are the chickens? Address, Intersection or Neighborhood Map Live Chat English Español Kréyol Enter
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH How to remove chickens from the street: 2. Confirm the location of the chickens: Approximate address: 1200 Brickell Ave., Miami, FL Map Click here to confirm Live Chat English Español Kréyol Enter
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH How to remove chickens from the street: 3.Thank you! A local code enforcement officer will you the results of the investigation within 7 business days. Please enter your and take note of the following confirmation number: Confirmation number: SR Live Chat English Español Kréyol Ask them for their address and inform them that they will receive an e- mail within 7 business days, confirming the results of the investigation. Inform them that an with a confirmation will be automatically sent to them within the next few minutes. Ask them if they would like their confirmation number. Kindly offer a pen and paper. NEXT
What to do with chickens in the street? SEARCH How to remove chickens from the street: 4. If you still need further information, please contact your local code enforcement office: Your local code enforcement office is: Address Phone, Type your address Live Chat English Español Kréyol EXIT Ask them if they would like the contact information for their local enforcement office. If so, ask for their address, enter it and provide them with the information. Kindly offer a pen and paper.