Manure, Money & Me What is choking off our lakes. What to do about it. Paul Barnes - Clean Water Warriors -
WATER—the thing that we take for granted became a commodity for more than 400,000 people in northwestern Ohio and southeastern Michigan over the weekend as they were told not to drink, cook or bathe in the water flowing from their tap. Paul Barnes - Clean Water Warriors - Toledo, OH – August 2014
Pollution in what Great Lake City prompted the creation of the Clean Water Act in 1972? Cleveland (Cuyahoga river catches fire, 1969) What two bodies of water in WI are now annually besieged by toxic algae blooms? Green Bay & Lake Mendota What is known to be the vast majority contributor to the algae bloom problem? Phosphorus from small farm (not AFO) manure runoff. Paul Barnes - Clean Water Warriors - Clean Water Questions
Lake Erie Clean Water Act, 1972 Clean Water Act, 1972 Lake Erie: Dirty, toxic water, Dirty, toxic water, 2014 Green Bay in Crisis Green Bay in Crisis Lake Champlain, VT in Crisis Lake Champlain The Death of some Great Lakes? Paul Barnes - Clean Water Warriors -
In Door County, tourism and agriculture are equal in economic size. But … what is the PULL to the area? Governor Mary Fallin, Oklahoma “Some of the businesses I talked to at Grand Lake told me they saw a 50 percent drop in the number of people who were coming into their businesses.” Paul Barnes - Clean Water Warriors - What are the costs?
Paul Barnes - Clean Water Warriors - Thirty percent of total farm manure run-off can be done by one operation. Brett Hulse Environmental Consultant WI State Representative, Dane County Who are the “Bad Actors?”
Minimize barnyard and manure runoff Properly account for manure spread on crop or pastureland Properly store manure to utilize this resource during the growing season Manage animals and manure land & pasture, control field erosion, and control animal traffic near streams. Paul Barnes - Clean Water Warriors - What can be done? Get to the WORST, first.
Reduce and eliminate phosphorus being dumped into lakes, rivers, and the Great Lakes. HOW? Paul Barnes - Clean Water Warriors - The Good News? What to do is KNOWN. County Land & Water Conservation Offices. Land Trusts. Sewerage Districts. US Dept of Agriculture. Utilities.
Paul Barnes - Clean Water Warriors - Clean Water Warriors Protect & Preserve Clean Water.