International Institute of Christian Discipleship CRE 01 Teaching Principles-APA Principles By Larry D. Burton, PhD General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®
Learner-Centered Psychological Principles American Psychological Association
Source Work Group of the American Psychological Association's Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) Revision prepared November 1997
4 Categories: 14 Principles Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors Motivational and Affective Factors Developmental and Social Factors Individual Differences
Cognitive and metacognitive factors 1. Nature of the learning process
Cognitive and metacognitive factors 2. Goals of the learning process
Cognitive and metacognitive factors 3. Construction of knowledge
A Scriptural look A disciple once complained, “You tell us stories, but you never reveal their meaning to us.” The Master replied, “How would you like it if someone offered you fruit and chewed it up for you before giving it to you?” —Source unknown
A Scriptural look (cont.) Mark 4:13-20 Mark 7:17-23 Mark 8: 17-21
Cognitive and metacognitive factors 4. Strategic thinking
Cognitive and metacognitive factors 5. Thinking about thinking
Cognitive and metacognitive factors 6. Context of learning
Note-taking pairs Turn to your neighbor and share the important points from your notes thus far (45 seconds) Add something to your notes from your partner’s notes Identify any areas which are still not clear to you
Motivational and affective factors 7. Motivational and emotional influences on learning
Motivational and affective factors 8. Intrinsic motivation to learn
Motivational and affective factors 9. Effects of motivation on effort
Developmental and social factors 10. Developmental influences on learning
Developmental and social factors 11. Social influences on learning
Three minute pause Think of a time when you were in a positive learning environment (able to share ideas openly, active discussion and debate with peers, all expected to participate) (1 minute) Describe that experience to you partner (1 minute)
Individual differences 12. Individual difference in learning
Individual differences 13. Learning and diversity
Individual differences 14. Standards and assessment
Three minute pause What are the important things you learned about these 14 principles? What questions do you still have?
Summary Note-taking/sharing Personal experience Clarification Types of pauses Summary Note-taking/sharing Personal experience Clarification
Interactive Lectures Original presentation developed by: Larry D Interactive Lectures Original presentation developed by: Larry D. Burton, PhD