CHAPTER 4 “LOOK FORS” PART 1 LOOK FORPage #EXPLANATION FROM THE BOOK Include many text details What medical mistakes took place during intake What were the conditions of the camps 51 How soldiers died due to dirt and disease 51 What kind of training Civil war surgeons and doctors received 52 3 ineffective ways physicians treated illnesses of soldiers 52-53
CHAPTER 4 “LOOK FORS” PART 2 LOOK FORPage #EXPLANATION FROM THE BOOK Include many text details What ways soldiers suffered after they were wounded Wbat soldiers saw and endured during amputation What was the purpose Andersonville 58 How Andersonville was set up How soldiers suffered at Andersonville– 3 ways 60-61
CHAPTER 4 VOCABULARY SCAVENGER HUNT 1. typhoid fever 2. malaria 3. dysentery 4. minie balls 5. ambulance corps 6. chloroform 7. amputations 8. general hospital 9. scurvy 10 Andersonville WordPage # Context clues Definition