1862 Dakota Uprising
The American Spirit Wanted to become a world power Expanded Westward – Purchasing Territory – Pioneers and Explorers Gave away land
Early Native America Life Independent – “Tribes of the Great Plains produced a remarkable synthesis of political, social, and religious characteristics.” - Philip Weeks Sharing Culture Simple Culture
Early American Indian Relations Treaty of 1837 US received land between Mississippi & St. Croix Rivers
What the Natives Received $300,000 total $110,000 went to Natives and Mixed Bloods $90,000 went to pay off debts to the US $39,750 went to annuities
Annuities Medicine Farming Implements Stock Doctors Farmers Blacksmiths Cattle
Early American Indian Relations Treaty of 1851 Minnesota Governor Ramsey Wahpeton and Sisseton Dakota $1,664,000 of which $275,000 was paid to Tribal Members Rest paid in annuities
Treaty of Travers des Sioux Name given to the two treaties signed in 1851 Little Crow was happy with the treaties
Problems at the Upper Agency Move from hunting to farming Paid in paper money not gold Lack of food Corrupt leaders
Problems at the Lower Agency Corrupt leaders Traders stopped selling on credit “You and your wives and children may starve, or eat grass, or your own filth.” – Andrew Myrick
Start of the Uprising August 17 th 1862 Four Dakota on a hunting trip outside of reservation boundaries – Run Against Something – Brown Wing – Killing Ghost – Breaking Up Near Acton Minnesota
Acton Incident Unsuccessful hunt led them to Robinson Jones property Dared one another to steal some eggs Fight breaks out and people die – Howard Baker – Viranus Webster – Robinosn Jones – Clara Wilson A wagon and some horses were also taken
Dakota Take Action Braves tell Little Crow Braves want to go to war Little Crow does not want war After much thought Little Crow decides to take action
First Attacks Dakota attacked Americans working at Lower Agency Massapust house located between Lower Agency and New Ulm – All died but 8 year old son
First Attacks Middle Creek in Renville County – Buce family killed Civil War volunteers leaving New Ulm One made it back to warn the citizens
New Ulm During the Uprising Largest city in Brown County with 900 people Located in the River Valley Along the Minnesota River
1 st Battle of New Ulm Jacob Nix – Former German military leader Charles Roos – Brown County Sheriff Citizens barricaded themselves in center of town – Along Minnesota Street – Center Street – 3 rd North
1 st Battle of New Ulm Men were poorly armed – Few Guns – Rifles – Axes – Pitchforks – Handguns
1 st Battle of New Ulm Dakota set fire to a number of buildings Women and children hide in the Dacotcah House Thunderstorm stopped the Dakota from advancing
2 nd Battle of New Ulm Both citizens and Dakota increased numbers Charles Flandrau arrived with more troops Dakota continued to set building on fire Citizens drove Dakota out with attack – Minnesota Street
Dakota Actions to the Dead Cut bodies apart Seen throwing gold at citizens Gold stuffed in mouths Grass stuffed in mouth
End of the Conflict 303 Dakota were convinced – Murder and Rape Sentenced to hanging by Abraham Lincoln Bishop Henry Whipple 38 Dakota Hung – Mankato, MN