CHINA Postwar Nationalism. Overview Chinese civilization was in great disorder during and after WWI. After Sun Yixian (Dr. Sun Yat-Sen) founder of the.


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Presentation transcript:

CHINA Postwar Nationalism

Overview Chinese civilization was in great disorder during and after WWI. After Sun Yixian (Dr. Sun Yat-Sen) founder of the Nationalist Party stepped down, rival warlords fought for power. The economy collapsed and peasants faced great hardship. During this time, foreign powers-especially Japan-increased their influence in China.

Rival Groups During this time several movements emerged: May Fourth Movement Communists Nationalists

May Fourth Movement This was a student movement that wanted to strengthen China by modernization, westernization, modern science, democracy and nationalism. The May Fourth Movement was part cultural revolution, part social movement. On the cultural side, the students had been inspired in the preceding two decades by Western thought, creating a feeling of frustration and dissatisfaction with Chinese tradition. Answers were sought for the questions why and how China had lagged behind the West. The negative influences of traditional morality, the clan system and Confucianism were seen as the main causes. China in its sorry state could only be cured by 'Two Doctors': Doctor Science and Doctor Democracy.

Communists Many turned to the ideas of Marx and Lenin. A Communist Party was formed. Mao Zedong eventually would emerge as the leader of the Communist movement. Peasants Intellectuals

Nationalists Sun Yat-Sen formed the Nationalist Party Guomindang An army officer named Chiang Kai-Shek led the Guomindang after Sun Yat-Sen’s death Characteristics: Undemocratic Promoted economic development: schools, roads railways Did little to raise the standard of living of the peasants

Civil War At first the nationalists and communists worked together to unite China. Over time CK-S viewed the communists as a threat to his power. War between the 2 parties would last for 22 years. Imperialist Japan would take advantage of the conflict by invading Manchuria and stealing Chinese resources.

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