Workshop on Illegal Traffic Questionnaire No. 1 (fragments) József Kelemen Ministry of Environment and Water
AGENDA 2 Country: HUNGARY Government entity completing the questionnaire: Ministry of Environment Contact person (Name and title): Jozsef Kelemen, senior expert Telephone no.: Fax no.: Address: Date when Questionnaire Completed (DD/MM/YY): 05/09/2006
I. Procedures established to manage transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes (a)Relevant rules, regulations, laws and administrative measures (Qs: 1 -10) 3
1. Training on: i)Basel Convention and its procedures: no. ii)EU law and its procedures: no. iii)UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: yes. iv)Globally Harmonized System of classification and labelling of chemicals: no. 4
2. Own legislation on waste shipment: Yes: - Governmental decree No. 120/2004.(IV.29.) on waste shipment. - Act XLIII of y on Waste Management. (Background information to application of 259/93/EEC on WSR). 5
3. Harmonization with BC and EU: YES! 6
4. Prohibition the import of hazardous wastes for disposal Yes, Act XLIII of y on Waste Management: „Section 17. (1) Waste may be imported to the territory of this county, including customs free zones a) for recovery only, b) only in a manner not presenting any risk or pollution to the environment, c) with the exclusion of environmental damage, d) with a special permit to be issued by the environmental protection authority as provided for in a separate legal rule.” 7
5. Hazardous wastes other than those covered by the BC and EU legislation. No other hazardous wastes in Hungary. 8
6. Additional requirements to those contained in the Basel Convention for the export, transit, or import, of hazardous wastes. There are no additional requirements in Hungary. 9
7. Rules to follow when a shipment of hazardous wastes: i)is exported from Hungary: 259/93/EEC ii)is transiting Hungary: 259/93/EEC iii)is imported into Hungary: 259/93/EEC. 10
managing transboundary movements 8. Governmental agency for managing transboundary movements of hazardous wastes. National Inspectorate for Environment, Nature and Water. POB 675, H Budapest Phone: , Facsimile: No other governmental agencies involved in data collection, notification, etc. 11
II. Procedures established to prevent, identify, monitor and manage cases of illegal traffic of hazardous wastes and other wastes (Qs: 22 – 25.) 12
22. Legislation that prevents and punishes illegal traffic Governmental decree No. 271/2001.(XII.21.) on waste management fines. 13
23. Definition of illegal traffic See 259/93/EEC. Amount of fine: F= A x t; where: A = HUF – , t = mass of the waste in tons. 1 € = HUF
24. WSR 259/93/EEC is fully in force in Hungary. 15
25. Gaps in the national legislation There are no gaps, but... (there is no capacity at the competent authority for proper spot checking of shipment, we have to clarify the role of the Customs Guard). 16
Thank you for your attention!