A Nation Divided
“Manipulatable” Draft All males had to register when turned 18 – Screened – Btwn called into military service Outs – Sympathetic doctors – Changed residences – leaner draft boards – National Guard/Coast Guard – deferment from Vietnam – College Generally white/financially well off Most soldiers lower-class whites or minorities
MLK speaks out “We were taking the young black men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in southwest Georgia and East Harlem.. We have been repeatedly faced with the cruel irony of watching Negro and white boys on TV screens as they kill and die together for a nation that has been unable to seat them together in the same schools.”
Speaking out “New Left” – Did not preach socialism/communism like “old left” – Demanded sweeping changes in American society Students for a Democratic society (SDS) Free Speech Movement Against corporations, large gov’t institutions, the American “machine”
Students to Vets Large amounts of college campuses Protest for various reasons: – Conflict was a civil war that we had no business involving ourselves – Oppressive S. Vietnamese regime no better than N. Vietnamese Communists – US can’t police entire globe – Draining American strength from other areas – Morally unjust By Mid-late 60s small groups of returning Vets protested too
Protest - Resistance Moved beyond simple protest Took action – Burning draft cards – Refusing to serve Serving jail time instead – Nixon phased out the draft in early 1970s – October ,000 march on Washington (Lincoln Memorial) 30,000 locked arms for march on Pentagon… broke past military police 1,500 demonstrators injured, 700+ arrested
Population Divided Doves – strongly opposed the war Hawks – US should unleash greater military strength to win the war Shock to see protesters criticize a war in which their fellow Americans were fighting and dying Johnson keeps trucking by escalating the war – His Defense secretary resigns and becomes the head of the World Bank
The Counterculture of the 1960’s Counterculture was a movement made up of mostly white, middle-class college young people who were disillusioned with the war and injustices of society They turned their backs on traditional American and founded a society based on peace and love Hippies
Materialism, Technology, and war were hollow Harvard Psychology and counterculture philosopher Dr. Timothy Leary urged the youth to “Tune in, Turn On, Drop Out!” Many left home, work, and school to create an ideal community of peace love and harmony
Hippie Culture The Age of Aquarius Rock ’n’ Roll Music Sexual Revolution (Free Love) Marijuana and LSD ( Illegal Drugs) Eastern Religions (Zen Buddhism) Ragged Jeans, Tie-dye shirts, military garments, love beads and muslin shirts Long hair and beards Many joined communes Haight-Asbury District of SF