Characterization By Peter Janetos and Paul Johnson
Flat Characterization Characters that do not change over the course of the text Minor characters who do not grow o Necessity in literature for the antagonist to interact with without dominating the entire plot Also known as: o Two dimensional characters o Static characters Examples: o
Round Characterization Major character that encounters conflict and is altered by it Also known as: o Major character o Main character o Dynamic characters Examples: o Milkman o George Bush o Mariam (spelling?) o Oedipus
Showing A way of engulfing a read in a story through adjectives Modifiers paint a clearer picture in the mind of the reader Examples o It was a dark and stormy night o A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away
Telling Explains to the reader important details of text through literary devices and often quotes Examples o A look of surprise crossed his face o...the gravely voice said o His pulse was pounding