Word Power 江苏省口岸中学 高二英语备课组 戴建美
What kind of person was Sang Lan before she was hurt? How was she after she was sent to hospital? After coming back to China, how was she? happy In good spirits optimistic Sang Lan is always optimistic / happy no matter what trouble she meets with. Step 1: Revision
Step 2:Discussion Would you please think of as many words as possible to express happiness?
gladness pleasure cheer delight joy overjoy satisfaction amusement contentment
common characteristics (abstract) nouns to express strong feelings and emotions Abstract nouns represent things that cannot be experienced through touch, taste, sight, hearing or smell.
Apart from noun forms, emotional words have adjective forms. Complete the following chart
Nouns Adjectives positivepositive happiness gladness pleasure cheer delight joy overjoy satisfaction amusement contentment happy glad pleased cheerful delighted joyful overjoyed satisfied amused content
emotions happiness anger sadness joy Love understanding desire
Nouns Adjectives negativenegative anger annoy madness craziness sadness upset misery ( 痛苦;苦恼 ) depression frustration disappointment desperation angry / cross annoyed mad crazy sad /heartbreak upset miserable depressed frustrated disappointed desperate
sorrow -- pain -- worry -- regret -- fright -- scare -- fear -- anxiety -- astonishment -- surprise -- shock -- pride -- sorrowful painful worried regretful frightened scared fearful anxious astonished surprised shocked proud
nervousness concern fright jealousy curiosity Confusion hope nervous concerned frightened jealous curious confused hopeless/hopeful nouns adjectives
Step3: Practice What kinds of words can be used to describe the characters’ emotions. Curiosity/ curious
surprise/ surprised
anger/ angry/ cross
More practice: give emotional words which can fit the situation Situation 1:This morning when I got to school, my headmaster asked me to her office. She told me I was the only student who had passed the exam and would have a chance to be an exchange student. Happiness
Situation 2: However, about half an hour later, I was called to the office again and was told that the teacher had made a mistake! Frustration
Situation 3: I had a good seat, and the play was interesting. But a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly.
Situation 4: When Tom told us he had passed his driving test, none of us could believe our ears. He didn’t spend a single day learning how to drive.
Situation 5: Tomorrow we are going on an excursion. We have been waiting for it and have prepared everything for it, but before we go, we are told the excursion has been cancelled.
Step 4: Read part B and finish the exercises Answers: 1. excitement 2. afraid 3. frightened 4. frustration 5. jealousy 6. angry 7. sad 8. happy 9. concerned 10. content Pay attention to Flora’s changes of emotions.
excitement/excited; fear/afraid fright/frightened; frustration/frustrated jealousy/jealous anger/angry; unhappiness/unhappy pleasure/pleased; satisfaction/satisfied Flora’s changes of emotions
Fill in the blankets 1. I’m not __________with what I’ve done. I can’t get _______________from it. (satisfied/satisfaction) 2. I was ______by the change in his appearance. All of us looked at him in _________. (amazed/ amazement) 3. The boy is __________about everything. His burning _________inspires him to learn more. (curious/ curiosity) satisfied satisfaction amazed amazement curious curiosity Step 5: vocabulary extension
4.To our ____________,it rained every day of the trip. All the members were __________at it. (disappointed ; disappointment) 5. My father was _______ that you could stay. He couldn’t hide his _______. (delighted; delight) 6. The teacher was _______ with the students who were always careless. He shouted at them with _______.(anger; angry) 7. She was very _________when she lost her job and she have suffered ______since then. (depression; depressed) disappointment disappointed delighted delight angry anger depressed depression happy happiness joyful joy fury furious sad sadness
Step 6: English idioms An idiom is a phrase which means something different from the meanings of the separate words from which it is formed.
Guess the meanings of the under- lined parts(idioms) according to the context. 1.I don’t know what makes him so angry but he really blew his top. 2. When he scored the winning goal, he was over the moon. 3. Lenny went nuts when his new bike was stolen. (become angry) (be very happy) (become really angry)
4. I know you have problems, but don’t get them get you down. 5. She is pretty girl, but she is cruel and one day she’ll break your heart. 6. He can’t get angry with what you said to him. He is always as cool as a cucumber. ( make sb. feel unhappy) (make sb. upset or unhappy) (never get worried by anything)
7. He is a cold fish. He is always wears a smile on his face. 8. Hum, cries crocodile tears! How can he be so sad about my failure ? 9. He had ants in his pants when knowing his mother had bought him a lap top (not show how they feel) (pretend to be upset or affected by sth.) (be excited about sth. and can’t keep still)
He got very hot under the collar when I asked him where he had been all day. When he heard that he had passed the entrance examinations to college, he was over the moon. He was down in the dumps when he was told not to play football with his teammates. angry happy sad Guess the meaning:
He was on cloud nine after winning the competition. They felt blue when they were told that their team lost. Honey, please don’t fly off the handle —I had only a little accident with the car, but it certainly isn’t my fault. happy were sad become wildly angry
emotions angry happy sad hot under the collar fly off the handle over the moon on cloud nine down in the dumps feel blue
Step 7: Making up a story trying to use some of the words you’ve just learned. Attention: Your story doesn’t need to be too long, but make sure it is logical; and it doesn’t have to contain many words related to emotions, but make sure they are properly used.