Lisa Morgan GloCall Conference December 8-11, 2009 Chiang Mai, Thailand
Workshop Objectives Participants will: examine and discuss personal and professional pedagogical technological skills familiarize themselves with TESOL Technology Standards redesign a lesson plan, utilizing technology tools share re-designed technology infused lesson plan
Tips: Implementing Tech in the Classroom Take risks with new technology (BUT) Become familiar w/technology before utilizing it Aim for the lowest level of technology available Target instructional technologies that fit objectives Clarify procedures for tech implementation Use online tutorials, helpful websites, or people to assist Remember: Technology integration is a s-l-o-w process Infrastructure, administration, and/or teacher resistance often serious barrier to technology adoption. Always have a Plan B
Pedagogical Theories & their Rationale for Technology Bloom’s Taxonomy, revised Adds creating to the taxonomy (remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating ) Social constructivism Views learning as a social process. Meaningful learning occurs when individuals are engaged in social activities Collaborative learning A form of peer learning that involves peers/students interacting to learn. Cooperative learning An arrangement in which learners of different abilities and interests work jointly in small groups to complete a project or solve a problem.
Tech Pedagogical Rationale, continued Skills integration: Exposes English language learners to authentic language and challenges them to interact naturally in the language. Learners rapidly gain a true picture of the richness and complexity of the English language for real communication. Learning styles An individual's mode of gaining knowledge, especially, a preferred or best method Authentic materials Materials are authentic if they are unaltered language data and are produced by and for native speakers of a common language and not for target language learners of that language. Task-based instruction Tasks are always activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome in which the emphasis is on exchanging meanings not producing specific language forms.
Multiple Intelligences H. Gardner's theory argues that intelligence, traditionally defined, does not sufficiently encompass the wide variety of abilities humans display. Student-centered learning Places the learner in the center of the learning process. SS are active participants in their learning and learn at their own pace and use their own strategies Learner Autonomy/Self-directed learning Learners understand the purpose of their learning, explicitly accept responsibility for their learning, share in the setting of learning goals, take initiatives in planning and executing learning activities, and regularly review their learning and evaluate its effectiveness
Task 1 1. Complete Technology Self-assessment 2. Select tech tools for future experimentation 3. Share findings
Task 2 1. Discuss Stages of Technology Integration 2. Share findings
Task 3 1. Read TESOL Technology Standards Framework for learners and teachers 2. Identify 3-4 (min) Standards currently being met for your learners & you as a teacher 4. Identify 2 (min.) new Standards you’d like met by learners & you, as a teacher 5. Share findings
Task 4 1. Select a lesson that does not currently utilize technology 2. Infuse Technology into Lesson keeping in mind results of previous tasks, theories and their rationale for using technology in the ELT classroom 3. Share results