St. Anne By Carmie Bazis
St. Anne She was born on 1 st century b Her feast day is July 26. She became a Saint because she prayed and prayed for children.
St. Anne 3 important facts St Anne was the mother of Blessed Virgen Mary. St. Anne was the grandmother of Jesus. She and her husband where devoted to God.
St. Anne I look up to her and she is praying for me. To be more like this saint, I should pray to her every night.
St. Anne O God, you bestowed on St. Anne such grace at she was found worthy to become the mother of Mary,who brought forth your only begotten son. Grant that we may be helped by her intercession.
St. Anne St. Anne The daughter of Anne was Mary. Anne and her husband were devoted to God. Nazareth was their home. Name of Anne means “grace’’. Excellent at being a housewife.
Sources Mrs. Vos’s Websites