NEW TIMELINE o Progress report home November 5 o Interviews November 12 o First report card home February 17 o Final report card home last week of June SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun
o Learning Skills evaluation will be shown as: WHAT’S NEW? Page 1 N S G E o Emphasis on learning skills and work habits N Needs Improvement S Satisfactory G Good E Excellent The Halton District School Board is committed to every student. We will: inspire and support learning; create safe, healthy and engaging environments; provide opportunities for challenge and choice. The Elementary Progress Report Card is designed to show a student’s development of the learning skills and work habits during the first weeks of the school year, as well as general progress in working toward the achievement of the Ontario curriculum expectations on all subjects. The progress report card is intended to be a central part of rich discussions with teachers, students and their parents/guardians during the November conference. These discussions provide the opportunity to reflect upon progress to date and discuss future plans to support student success. On-going communication helps maintain a positive partnership and a culture of learning. The progress report card supports teachers in using assessment for learning in the first weeks of the school year, while providing students with time to learn, practice, and receive informative feedback for improvement prior to being evaluated on their achievement. Strengths: Next Steps: o Comments list student’s strengths and next steps for improvement
LEARNING SKILLS AND WORK HABITS The Halton District School Board is committed to every student. We will: inspire and support learning; create safe, healthy and engaging environments; provide opportunities for challenge and choice. The Elementary Progress Report Card is designed to show a student’s development of the learning skills and work habits during the first weeks of the school year, as well as general progress in working toward the achievement of the Ontario curriculum expectations on all subjects. The progress report card is intended to be a central part of rich discussions with teachers, students and their parents/guardians during the November conference. These discussions provide the opportunity to reflect upon progress to date and discuss future plans to support student success. On-going communication helps maintain a positive partnership and a culture of learning. The progress report card supports teachers in using assessment for learning in the first weeks of the school year, while providing students with time to learn, practice, and receive informative feedback for improvement prior to being evaluated on their achievement.
o No numerical mark/letter grade WHAT’S NEW? Page 2 o 3 point scale based on the provincial curriculum, found at or through your school office. o More personal comments Progressing with Difficulty Progressing Well Progressing Very Well X X X Strengths: Next Steps:
TEACHER-PARENT-STUDENT CONFERENCE Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
o A meeting to discuss your child’s progress and achievement will be scheduled in November. TEACHER-PARENT-STUDENT CONFERENCE o Students and parents may both participate at the conference. o Use the parent/guardian tip sheet for information about how to prepare for conferences with your child’s teacher. o Interpreters are available to attend the conference with parents/guardians. If you require an interpreter please let your child’s teacher know.
TEACHER-PARENT-STUDENT CONFERENCE o The box at the bottom of Page 2 will be completed at or after the conference. My best work is: My goal for improvement is: Ways parents/guardians and teachers will support this goal: o Conversation to have with your child: goal your child wants to improve upon in their work. ways that parents/guardians and teachers can support the student with their goal. what your child enjoys doing at school.