SSWH12 The student will examine the origins and contributions of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires.
Suleyman came to power in 1520 and ruled for 46 years. Suleyman was a great military leader who captured the European city of Belgrade in 1521.
Keeping the Ottoman Empire together was Suleyman’s biggest achievement. He created a law code to handle both criminal and civil actions. He reduced government bureaucracy and simplified the tax system. This made daily life for the citizens much easier.
Christian areas conquered Christian boys were kidnapped and brainwashed. Trained, educate them and convert them to Islam. An elite force of 30,000 soldiers known as janissaries was trained
Suleyman liked the arts. He studied, poetry, history, geography, astronomy, mathematics and architecture. world’s best architect at the time, Sinan, (Albania) to build the Mosque of Suleyman.
Shah Abbas took the throne in He created a golden age of culture that drew from the best Ottoman, Persian and Arab worlds. Shah Abbas reformed some aspects of the empire.
At the age of 14, Babur inherited the kingdom in the area that is now Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The year was 1494 and soon after he got the kingdom, his elders took it away.
Akbar which means “Greatest One”, ruled from Akbar- military power was the root of his strength.
Akbar was a Muslim who practiced religious freedom. He allowed his wives to practice whatever religion they desired. He married two Hindus, a Christian and a Muslim.
He ruled through a bureaucracy of officials. Everyone could rise to a high office in government including Natives, Hindus, Muslims and foreigners. This type of policy allowed for a high quality of government.
As the empire expanded, many cultures had influences such as art, education, politics, and language. Persian was the language of the courts and high culture but Hindi was the language of the common people.
The arts flourished in the Mughal court in the form of book illustrations. These were called miniatures which were small, highly detailed paintings.
Akbar loved architecture and the style developed under his rule is still known as Akbar period architecture. The stonework is massive and portrays Hindu themes.