Rise of European Nationalism
Europe BEFORE Napoleonic Wars 1802 Europe AFTER Congress of Vienna 1815
Nations and Nationalism “Nation” a type of community, especially prominent in 19 th century – Unification based on shared language, customs, values, historical experience Movement against being ruled by foreign governments – Inspired by Napoleonic Expansionism/Revolutions 3
Types of Nationalism Cultural: – Promoting unification based on cultural similarities i.e. language, traditions, shared history – German states Volksgeist movement- Promoting German culture, food, literature, etc…. over foreign culture Political: – Movement for political independence from foreign rule Greeks rebel against Muslim Ottoman rule in the Balkans
Unification of Germany 1871 Loose collection of 39 German states since 11 th century HRE dissolved during Napoleonic control 1806 Congress of Vienna- consolidated states under Austrian control – Powerful Prussian state resented subjugation Won independence from Austria 1868 – Unified as new German Empire with Prussian Prince Otto Van Bismark as Emperor
Italian Unification 1871 Dozens of regional city- states/kingdoms since fall of Rome – Diverse governments: kingdoms, republics, papal states – Location lead regions to be conquered by larger empires Islamic, Ottoman (south), Austrian, HRE, France (north) Conquered and unified under Napoleon – Congress of Vienna granted NE Italian states to Austria States unified under kingdom of Sardinia to push Austria out
Russian Nationalism Pan-Slavism: promoting Slavic language and culture against Western European influence Attempt to protect against expansion of France, Austria, and Ottomans into Slavic lands Anti-Jewish Pogroms – Government forced removal of Jews from Russia – Feared Jewish population would increase; threaten Russian culture and state religion (Orthodox Christianity)
Zionist Movement Increased nationalism lead to anti-Jewish sentiment Communities started to call for “refuge” – Worked to create Jewish state in Palestine Location of first Semitic/Jewish kingdoms – Lack of international support made migration slow until after 1900