20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting1 Analysis of cosmic/self-triggerd data of station 5 Hideyuki Sakamoto MICE Tracker Phone Meeting 20 th April 2007
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting2 Contents Dead channel study by LED calibration run Overview for the mapping problem. PE distribution at each view PE correlation plot between each view Summary Next step Caution: plot :
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting3 Dead channel study LED calibration data: – othttp://mice.iit.edu/scratch/ /cass105_nombias_ledoff.2.ro ot Check the channel is alive or dead by eye. –Alive: can see peaks –Dead: cannot see peak or difficult to separate each peak. Check almost of channel. –All channel for LHB –MCM#1-#2 for RHB
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting4 Sample: Alive and Dead channel AliveDead Common feature on dead channels: Pedestal is large and 1 p.e. is much smaller and more p.e. cannot see peaks.
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting5 List of dead channels LHB –MCM#1: #29-#32 –MCM#2: #29-#32 –MCM#3: #22,#27,#29- #32,#35,#37,#44 –MCM#4: #29-#32 –MCM#5: #29-#32 –MCM#6: #29-#32 –MCM#7: #29-#32 –MCM#8: #29-#32 RHB –MCM#1: #23-#64 –MCM#2: #29,#33-#36 –MCM#3: under checking –MCM#4: under checking –MCM#5: under checking –MCM#6: under checking –MCM#7: under checking –MCM#8: under checking
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting6 PE correlation between each view TOP: Before modifying the code Bottom: After modifying the code This did not solve the problem … B A C D A: detected correctly B: did not hit for both C/D: one has hit another did not. 0 C/D region is still too much …
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting7 PE distribution at each view TOP: Before modifying the code Bottom: After modifying the code Amount of pedestal The plot is created using a hit of max. p.e. at each view. Not summation of all fibers at each view. So, if it is assumed that muon is surely passing through station, Then, it corresponds to hit efficiency. But for now, of course we cannot estimate it by using wrong mapping.
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting8 The reason is very easy to understand. Please image that some event has 3hits at each views, A, B, C. If the mapping between views is wrong, then max. light yield channel is selected among the rest of pedestal. Correct mappingWrong mapping X view – 98ch V view – 100ch W view – 102ch X view – 98ch V view – 100ch X view – 90ch W view -103ch This is Pedestal ABCABC PE distribution at each view (cnt ’ d)
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting9 Mistake between view? From the slide#3, we can see mapping error between views. Each view are (almost) separated by the D0 connector (#1-#8) So, the mistake between views corresponds to the mistake between MCMs. It suggests that mapping error is happened at the electrical part, Inside of AFE or outside of AFE. Back plane side #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Waveguide #1 Waveguide #2 Waveguide #3 Waveguide #4 Waveguide #5 V view X view W view LHBLHB RHBRHB
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting10 Plotting Maximum light yield within all channels on the cassette. Final? way for now to checking the signal is seeing the channel of maximum light yield in the cassette. Before selection by view. If only the mapping is wrong within the MCM modules, then we can see the signal by this plot anyway. –Cannot separate by view, of course. Just watching signal itself. –For this plot, only one fiber of maximum among 3 hits at each view is selected. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5#6#7#8 RHB LHB LHB, MCM#3 is selected. ADC
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting11 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Waveguide #1 Waveguide #2 Waveguide #3 Waveguide #4 Waveguide #5 V view X view W view Before showing PE plot … This is one of the most strange plots MCM In the rule of the readout scheme, MCM# is starting from left side from the front view. This means that MCM# on RHB should be #1, #2, #5,#6,#8. But the result shows the same as LHB. Back plane side LHBLHB RHBRHB LHB RHB MCM plot Problem..
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting12 PE distribution Saturated ratio Signal ratio Pedestal ratio What is this? If 100% triggering efficiency is assumed, then hit efficiency is roughly estimated by 85% at RHB. I think small efficiency at RHB is due to timing setup, if RHB is correct within the MCMs. For LHB, there has still problem…. LHB RHB
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting13 Present status – in my mind Mapping problem should have fixed. Yesterday, Malcolm sent back to Ken, which says that the setup for the external trigger was wrong on the RHB. If it is correct, then strange phenomena shown at slide #8	 is due to this! So, we can see correct-decoded data at the next. –Coming soon?
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting14 Summary Mapping problem should have been fixed and waiting for new samples.
20 April 2007MICE Tracker Phone Meeting15 Next step Check light yield and fiber crossing. We can check the all fiber ’ s output. Timing problem is also argued after mapping is fixed.