Mole Quantity Conversions
First, fold your paper in half like this. Not this.
You need five “flaps.” Do not write these numbers on your flaps! To cut “flaps,” cut only the top half of the folded paper
Top of flap 1 ► Grams A Moles A 1 mole = (Molar Mass) grams A Use the Periodic Table here
Inside of flap 1 Inside of flap mole = (Molar Mass) grams A 1 Use the Periodic Table here (Given) grams A (Molar Mass) grams A 1 mole A (Given) moles A (Molar Mass) grams A 1 mole A 5 Use the Periodic Table here
Top of flap 2 ► Moles A Representative Particles A 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 representative particles A
Inside of flap 2 Inside of flap 2 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 molecules 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 formula units
Inside of flap 2 Inside of flap (Given) moles A 1 mole A 6.02x10 23 rep. part. A (Given) rep. part. A 6.02x10 23 rep. part. A 1 mole A
Top of flap 3 ► Liters A Moles A 1 mole = 22.4 Liters A For Gases Only!
Inside of flap 3 Inside of flap (Given) moles A 1 mole A 22.4 Liters A (Given) Liters A 1 mole A 22.4 Liters A 5 3
Top of flap 4 ► Grams A Liters A 1 mole A = 22.4 Liters A For Gases Only! 1 mole = (Molar Mass) grams A
Inside of flap 4 Inside of flap (Given) grams A (molar mass) grams A 1 mole A 22.4 L A (Given) L A 22.4 L A 1 mole A (molar mass) grams A
Top of flap 5 ► Grams A Representative Particles A 1 mole A = 6.02x10 23 rep. part. A mole = (Molar Mass) grams A Use the Periodic Table here
Inside of flap 5 Inside of flap 5 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 molecules 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 formula units
Inside of flap 5 Inside of flap (Given) grams A (molar mass) grams A 1 mole A 6.02x10 23 rep. part. A 5 (Given) rep. part. A (molar mass) grams A1 mole A 6.02x10 23 rep. part. A