Intelligent Collaborative Support Systems Robert M. Aiken Computer Science Dept. Temple University Philadelphia, PA (Research leave Spring 2004)
Background CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) - IBM (SRA) late 1960ies & 70ies ICAI (ITS - Intelligent Tutoring Systems) ies ICLS (Intelligent Collaborative Learning Systems) 1990ies ICSS (Intelligent Collaborative Support Systems)
Collaborative Skills Openness Sharing advice Completeness Sharing information Check understanding “I think..” “My suggestion is..” Do you need more information?” “Here is more information..” “Do you agree with this answer?”
Collaborative Skills Network
Collaborators M. M. McManus "The Role of a Group Leader Tutor in Computer-based Collaborative Problem Solving", Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education Vol. 6, No. 4, 1995, pp J. Israel “Supporting Collaborative Learning with an Intelligent Web-based System”, in preparation. M. Bessagnet & J. Israel, “Sur la conception d’environnement intelligent d’apprentissage collaborative”, to be submitted to Sciences et Techniques Educatives, June 2004.