Extended essay
Why You’re Excited for this ! AWESOME practice for the hundreds of papers you will write in college. * You will also learn Flores’ secret: FABULOUS methods for managing research & most efficient ways to write an academic paper. * Can discuss EE with college admittance officers
Drink the Kool Aid You’ll thank me in college !
DP requirement Part of the hexagon Rigorous Intellectual scholarly
Rigorous * Intellectual * Scholarly
What is academic writing? 1. Writing done by scholars for scholars Will help you learn processes of reading, thinking, arguing & writing in an academic method 2. Devoted to topics & questions that are of interest to the academic community ( no Life & Times of Justin Bieber) 3. Presents reader with an informed (researched) argument. Must inform and argue NO SUMMARY!
Choose from the following topics Group 1 (English) Biology Chemistry Design technology Computer science Environmental systems & societies Film Geography History Math Music Physics Psychology Theatre Visual arts NO TOK
The RULES! Choose a topic in a subject where you have taken the class. * Receiving a passing EE score requires familiarity with subject specific academic language & concepts. NO EXCEPTIONS! * Your supervisor is educated in that subject/topic. It will be difficult, if not impossible, for a supervisor to provide knowledge & expertise in a subject they know little or nothing about. Your EE’s are separated by subject and scored by 3 subject specific readers. A math teacher will only score math EE’s. *
Supervisor Specialty List English LiteratureAny English teacher teaching IB or AP BiologyAny Bio teacher teaching IB or AP ChemistryAny Chem teacher teaching IB or AP Computer ScienceAny C.S. teacher Design technologyWoods and Owens Environmental systems & societiesAny Enviro teacher teaching IB or AP FilmBrimhall geographyAny geography teacher teaching IB or AP HistoryAny history teacher teaching IB or AP MathAny math teacher teaching IB or AP Music Leavey PhysicsLum Psychology Vaughan TheatreStempinski Visual artsIB art teacher, Bustany ( photo ) Owens ( art, design )
EE Baby Steps 1. Choose a subject & topic that interests you. Interest is the key word here. 2. Read the EE guidelines pertaining to your subject area. Read subject specific criteria. 3. Brainstorm possible topics. 4. Do a preliminary google search. Is topic/argument possible? 5. Jot down key words helping further your search. 6.Print out interesting articles WHEN YOU FIND THEM
EE Baby Steps 7. Decide on a topic of research and formulate your research question. 8. Have it approved by Flores DO NOT CHOOSE A TOPIC THAT YOU FIND IS UNINTERESTING. 9. Beg teacher to be your supervisor. 10. Research! Research ! Research!
No research =
EE Baby Steps 11. Show 5 sources to Flores. 11. Show 5 sources to Flores. 12. Create an outline before school is out. 12. Create an outline before school is out. 13. Review with supervisor 13. Review with supervisor 14. Research more where info is vague or incomplete 14. Research more where info is vague or incomplete 15. Write rough draft over summer break. 15. Write rough draft over summer break. 16. Submit to Flores and supervisor. 16. Submit to Flores and supervisor. 17. Write abstract. 17. Write abstract. 18. Write final draft by end of August. Due date TBA 18. Write final draft by end of August. Due date TBA
EE Baby Steps 19. Complete works cited. 19. Complete works cited. 20. Have vive voce with supervisor. 20. Have vive voce with supervisor. 21. Turn in to EE coordinator to be sent to IB gods in the sky. 21. Turn in to EE coordinator to be sent to IB gods in the sky.