Teaming occurs when two or more teachers work together to plan, instruct, and evaluate groups of students. Three Types: Multidisciplinary Approach Interdisciplinary Approach Transdisciplinary Approach
Communication Cooperation Competency Commitment Compromise Confrontation
Interview with Team 7 Team Members: Mr. Bakken – Math (Team Leader) Mrs. Prowitz – Science Mr. Gerber – Social Studies Mrs. Neuser – Language Arts Mrs. Firari – Language Arts A Special Education teacher will join when needed.
Chocolate Basket Agenda Item of the Day Students of concern: at-risk, gifted, struggling, etc. Honor Level reward planning Field Trip planning Interdisciplinary activity planning Technology tips Reviewing letters sent home by principal Meetings with Guidance Counselor and/or School Psychologist Parent/Teacher conferences
“We can get a global picture of any student immediately” – Firari “Teaching is much like parenting. All the adults involved need to be on the same page so we are helping our students grow both academically and as a person.” - Prowitz “We often change student schedules and talk about strategies to use to best serve that student.” – Neuser
“Sometimes there can be differing perspectives on how to do things or with educational philosophies. Members need to be flexible and respectful.” – Firari “Moving students to a class with less distractions is difficult to do. I am the only science teacher on my team, so I can only move students within my class load.” – Prowitz
“We originally met everyday and there was a huge emphasis on developing Interdisciplinary Units of instruction. Now we meet 3 days a week with no expectation of that.” – Firari “We’ve had to deal more with accelerated students who may not have all our classes, or certain students who are cross- teamed because of a scheduling conflict.” – Prowitz “We tend to be talking more about student concerns and less about fully integrating curriculum. We are coming back around to curriculum, however.” - Neuser
“When I student taught, there wasn’t much of a team structure and I noticed there wasn’t much of a unified front when it came to the students. The students knew that and played it as much as possible.” – Prowitz
“Teams can really help maintain a focus on individual students at a very critical time in their lives. Without teams, it’s every kid (and every teacher for that matter) for themselves. If everything is going well, your teammates can be a HUGE part of your support network.” – Firari “It is a great structure when used for the purpose it is intended for. If a team structure is not in place at a school a new teacher enters, they need to be sure to talk with others who have their same students on a regular basis.” – Prowitz “Use your colleagues to help each other. The more students see their teachers working together, the more accountable they are!” - Neuser Break
As a team, you will be completing a series of grueling and emotionally intense challenges in a race around UWSP campus. At each station, you will receive instructions for the task. NO CHEATING! Once you have completed the task, you will be given a clue to your next destination and a mystery bag. You must have all clues and mystery bags in order to win the race so hold onto them. Mystery bags must remained closed until you reach the final destination or you will be forced to return to the previous challenge and re-do it. The first team to cross the finish line, wins CANDY! And now, for some inspiration…..