Prepared and presented by Sherifah Al Sayegh ELT Supervisor
What are the contents of the teachers guide?
What are bench marks?
Listening Speaking Reading Writing
Relevant and fun to learn A variety of activities Each lesson includes activities, tasks and games as well as songs Encourages pupils to communicate Co-operative learning Components Number of components (units)
The pupils book The teacher’s guide The CD The activity book Characteristics of young learners
What is the pupils first contact with English? What kind of listening activities are there?
When to use and not to use Arabic?
What is phonics?. What is phonemic awareness?
The bottom up approach Top down approach Pre- listening While listening Post listening
What is reading? Reading aloud Pre-reading While reading Post reading
What is the writing process?
Getting startedpre- writing Project workwhile writing The final projectediting
What is the importance of projects in the classroom ?
Grammar translation theory Structural approach- audiolingualism approach Communicative approach Integrated approach
Using the PPP method Using communicative activities
Opener Introduce the story Presentation and practice