Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) By: Carrie Batschi & Haley McLean
Behavior Intervention Plan Document that describes just how the IEP team will help the child improve his or her behavior Required part of the IEP if the behavior disrupts education The plan must address the function of the behavior and include information gathered in the functional behavioral assessment.
Necessity Where do you draw the line between writing a BIP and calling for a classroom solution?
Benefits Lifestyle Interventions lead to a general improvement in the student's quality of life. Educational opportunities can be reached when behaviors is no longer an issue.
How? After the functional behavioral analysis has been done and the MDT decides on the behavior intervention that will benefit the child. The school psychologist and special education teacher work together to draw up the plan and implement it. The General ed. Teacher and others involved with the child will be briefed on the plan as well. (IEP team and MDT)