Langston Hughes HS NEW PHONE NFORMATION New Phone #: New Fax #: New Counseling #: New Counseling Fax #: New JROTC #:
May I have your attention, Please… Fulton County Information… Messages sent to Parents MESSAGE BOARD… Weekly Calendar… Panther Extra… Weekly Announcements
May I have your attention, Please…
Langston Hughes High School 2016 Morning Duty Roster TEAM 1TEAM 2 Bus Ramp Keaton Cotton Bus Ramp Cannon Lee Bus Ramp Bargaineer/G.Frazier Garcia Gym Webster/Freeman Webster/Freeman Gym Welsh/Smith Welsh/Smith Gym Jamison/WatkinsJamison Inside Small Gym Reynolds R.Williams/Everett Cafeteria J.White/Hood J. White/Meana Cafeteria Harris-Bing/Weldon Wooten/Hopson Cafeteria Randall/AndersonTolbert Cafeteria Carter/Gebre Latham/Render Cafeteria Harris/CSA Williams Harris/CSA Williams Cafe & Bus Ramp Ofc Benjamin Ofc Benjamin Main Hall Sawecki Nash Main Hall Bowen-Shipmon Amb. Williams Main Hall Begum L.Jackson Main 400 Hall Beasley Beasley Main HallGlymphRives Main StairwellGreenBindra Main StairwellBreazealePomeroy Media CenterV.Davis/MimsGrantham/Mims 250 CorridorPeoplesGraves 450 CorridorOla WilliamsHaire Auditorium LobbyWoodson/DavisNewchurch/Fason Auditorium LobbyMillsGibbs Auditorium LobbyBallB. Jones Main Lobby/Panther AreaK.Austin/Dent/WigginsK.Austin/Burnett/Oluwole Main Lobby/Panther AreaWoods/S.Wright(SS)/HaleHale/Kelley Roving DownstairsStarksStarks
SubjectStartLocation Drama RehearsalMon 3/7/2016 3:30 PMAuditorium JV Baseball vs. Landmark Christian AcademyMon 3/7/2016 5:30 PM Drama RehearsalTue 3/8/2016 3:30 PMAuditorium AP and Move On When Ready Informational NightTue 3/8/2016 6:00 PMCafeteria Spring MusicalTue 3/8/2016 7:00 PMAuditorium V Girls Soccer vs. CreeksideWed 3/9/2016 5:30 PM Spring MusicalWed 3/9/2016 7:00 PMAuditorium V Boys Soccer vs. CreeksideWed 3/9/2016 7:30 PM TEACHER WORKDAYThu 3/10/ :00 AM Sams Club SignupThu 3/10/ :00 AMFront Security Desk TEACHER WORKDAYFri 3/11/ :00 AM World Language FC DepartmentFri 3/11/2016 8:00 AMCafeteria Special Needs Dept. meetingFri 3/11/2016 8:30 AMAuditorium Weekly Calendar…
Fulton County News All Staff – The General Transfer window will be from February 25rd – March 15th ; below is the link to the General Transfer Form. The guidelines and directions are at the top of the form. Current principals/department heads must sign the form to indicate the employee’s eligibility. The supervisor’s signature does not indicate approval, as the process is governed by Board Policy GBM. Interested/eligible employees (including assistant principals) should print and complete the form, have it signed by your current principal/department head and submit it along with a letter of interest directly to the desired school principals/department heads. Do not submit the form to Human Resources/Talent. If you have questions regarding your eligibility or the process, please direct them to your principal or department head. Please be mindful that receiving a transfer is not guaranteed. Please click the link below to print the form. General Transfer Form Ronnie Wade Chief Talent Officer | Fulton County Schools 6201 Powers Ferry Road| Atlanta, Georgia ph | fax |
March 11 th will be a Professional Development Day and Food Trucks will be provided for your convenience, please see menus (on the following 3 pages) of the trucks that will be here. Thank you.
Return to Table of Contents Panther Extra… Greetings Panther Family, I hope this message finds you in good health and good spirits. This month's newsletter is attached. Please read and enjoy! Please don't forget to vote in the SGC elections. If you need voting information, please let me know. As always...Have a Panther Prowling Day! *****Panther Pad Volume 1 Issue 5 Newsletter.pdf *****Panther Pad Volume 1 Issue 5 Newsletter.pdf Thank you, Jocelyn K. Hyman Parent Liaison Langston Hughes HS 7510 Hall Rd. Fairburn, GA “Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy his success” A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Become a Volunteer!!!
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Return to Table of Contents Link to Langston Directory March 11 th Professional Workday Special Needs has reserved the auditorium Special Needs has reserved the auditorium World Language has reserved the cafeteria World Language has reserved the cafeteria DO you have copies in the mailroom… ALL COPIES that are not picked up by Friday afternoons) will be trash Friday at 6:00pm. Thank you. Sunday March 13, 2016