TREATMENTPlannedCompleted Start date09/05/2016 End date11/05/2016 Duration STORYBOARD (Video)PlannedCompleted Start date21/05/2016 End date23/05/2016 Duration PRODUCTIONPlannedCompleted Start date30/05/2016 End date06/06/2016 Duration POST-PRODUCTIONPlannedCompleted Start date06/06/2016 End date17/06/2016 Duration
List of equipment Model (add image) Time required My ownBorrowedBest deal to hire (add link)Best deal to buy (add link) Camera 1-2 weeks gb/products/HAC eos-1200d/ gb/products/HAC eos-1200d/ (£22.00 per day) camcorders/digital-cameras/dslr-and-compact- system-cameras/canon-eos-1200d-dslr-camera- with mm-f zoom-lens pdt.html camcorders/digital-cameras/dslr-and-compact- system-cameras/canon-eos-1200d-dslr-camera- with mm-f zoom-lens pdt.html (£250) Tripod 1-2 weeks gb/products/HAC fluid-tripod/ gb/products/HAC fluid-tripod/ (£8.00 per day) camcorders/photography- accessories/tripods/velbon-ef-41-tripod pdt.html camcorders/photography- accessories/tripods/velbon-ef-41-tripod pdt.html (£19.99) Microphone 1-2 days zoom.html zoom.html (£15 a day) Digital-Recorder-Version/dp/B003QKBVYK Digital-Recorder-Version/dp/B003QKBVYK (£77.04) SD Card 1-2 weeks gb/products/HAC gb-extreme- pro-spare-sdxc-280mbs-uhs-ii/ gb/products/HAC gb-extreme- pro-spare-sdxc-280mbs-uhs-ii/ (£15 per day) products_id= products_id=30518 (£14.50) Lights and backdrops 1-2 days ghts.html ghts.html (£45 per day) Photography-Continuous-Backdrops- Umbrellas/dp/B0111LHWOS/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8& qid= &sr=8- 2&keywords=backdrop+lighting+kit Photography-Continuous-Backdrops- Umbrellas/dp/B0111LHWOS/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8& qid= &sr=8- 2&keywords=backdrop+lighting+kit (£79.99) Equipment cost: To hire: £105 per day To buy: £441.52
Transport Name people Type Car, bus, train For how many people For how many days Locations to travel Cost per person Overall transport cost Zoe Midwinter Train1 Up to a week Chatham, Hastings, £0.00 Mobile /phone Computer/ internet Hardware / software Model (add image) Time require d My own Owned by college Best deal to hire (add link) Best deal to buy (add link) Laptop 1-2 weeks m/product.php?sku =SLAPHP15P076SA 09B&name=HP%20 15-P076SA/i U/8GB%20Ram /1TB/DVD- RW/15"/Wind ows%2010/B#.Vzr8 TWRVhHw m/product.php?sku =SLAPHP15P076SA 09B&name=HP%20 15-P076SA/i U/8GB%20Ram /1TB/DVD- RW/15"/Wind ows%2010/B#.Vzr8 TWRVhHw (£205) Adobe Premiere Pro 1-2 weeks om/uk/products/pre miere.html om/uk/products/pre miere.html (£17.15 a month) Total transport cost:£0.00 Total cost:£ Total budget cost: Equipment£ Food Transport £0.00 Telephone, computer, etc. £ Insurance Copyright Total cost £666.67
ContributorContact Number Cheyvonne Penfold Terry Woods Karley Myall Andrew Foreman Zoe Midwinter Rachel Williamson Caren Williamson NameProduction Role Zoe MidwinterProducer “Director “Camera Zoe Midwinter/Terry WoodsSound Zoe MidwinterDesign “Lighting “Camera Assistant “Design Assistant “Health+Safety “Assistant
ActivityHazardActions/ controlsWho is at riskLevel of risk Filming using a camera and tripod Tripping someone Make sure that anyone surrounding the equipment knows it is there, make sure it is clear that it’s there. Anyone passing by the camera set up Low Filming near a roadside Could be unsafe depending on the distance from the road Stay in a safe area, make sure I’m away from the very edge of the road. Me and my cameraMedium Filming along a beach, below a pier Potential damage to equipment, likely that something could fall from above. Don’t get to close to the waters edge, stay out from underneath the pier. MeLow Filming with studio lighting in a small space The lights get very hot so burns are a possibility Keep the lights away from the subject and any people in close proximity Myself and anyone in the surrounding space Medium Smashing things with a hammer Broken plastic, metal, etc. Use safety glasses and gloves, film well away from it. Myself and whoever is using the hammer Medium Breaking Glasses Broken Glass Keep safe distance, gloves, shoes to be worn Myself and the person breaking the glass Medium Signed: Print name: Date: Risk Assessment
Activity at each Location. Lighting Required? Position of sun? Clearance for shooting agreed with owners? Is there power available? Has access been agreed? Do the police/local council need to be informed? Audio problems, such as traffic noise or planes frequently flying over? Action taken to overcome each problem. 1. Filming by a road Lighting- Ideally sunny, possibly midday. Light is bright Public space so I may need to speak to someone regarding filming there. There will be a lot of traffic, which is what I want but the sound might not work how I want I’ll talk to whoever needs to be talked to regarding filming. I’ll likely cut the audio from the footage altogether and record sound separately if necessary. 2. Filming on the coast Lighting- sunny, possibly cloudy, could alter the effect of the film but wither would work well. It’s windy, so that would pick up on the mic. I would have to remove the audio and add ambient sound later if that’s what I wanted.. 1.Filming in a busy town Lighting- bright, for clear footage, but darker footage is okay Will likely be busy N/A 4. Signature:Name:Date: Recce Assessment