Introduction to Developmental Psychology Unit 9 Modules 45 & 46 AP PSYCHOLOGY
MAJOR ISSUES IN DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCH Developmental Psychology examines our physical, cognitive, and social development across the life span. Focus On: 1.Nature vs. Nurture- 2.Continuity and stages- 3.Stability and change- We all change with age. Life requires both stability and change. Stability provides our identity.
CULTURAL UNIVERSALS NATURE = heredity NURTURE = environment I.CULTURAL UNIVERSALS = aka preferences A.Sweet to sour B.Division of color spectrum into similar colors C.Behaviors that produce/protect offspring D.Fear of strangers 8 mos. old E.Company of those that share similar attitudes/attributes of our own
CONCEPTION -Women: -Men: - During intercourse only a few sperm will penetrate the protective coating of the egg and fertilize it. Egg nucleus and and sperm nucleus fuse before the end of that day. - Fewer than half of fertilized eggs (zygotes) survive beyond the first two weeks. After 10 days, zygote attaches to uterine wall. Zygote’s inner cells become the embryo. Outer cells become the placenta. - Over the next six weeks : - By week 9: Genes: Every cell (sperm + egg, bone, brain, blood) in the body has 46 chromosomes 23 Mom 23 Dad DNA = genetic makeup 99.9% match with other humans Genes contain nucleotides : A T C and G = all humans have
PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT A.23 rd pair of chromosomes determines sex Mom…. Dad…. If Y, testosterone is released. B. Differing brain wiring patterns for m/f during 4-5 months of pregnancy. C.When can they survive outside of womb???? D. The fetus learns language in the womb: E. Teratogens: effects of alcohol (FAS), nicotine, caffeine, other drugs, etc.
My Sweet-> 18W4D Check out prenatal development handout on SF
REFLEXES Newborns are quite competent. Have a coordinated set of reflexes inherent for survival. – Rooting Reflex – Sucking Reflex – Moro Reflex (Startle)
BRAIN DEVELOPMENT & MEMORY Maturation (biological sequence) sets the course for development and then our experiences adjusts it. Brain Development- From infancy on, your brain and mind develop together. You are born with most of the brain cells you will ever have, but your nervous system is immature. -From ages 3-6, most rapid growth of the frontal lobes enabling rational planning. -The association areas that link thinking, memory, and language are the last cortical areas to develop. Motor Development- Brain Maturation & Memory-
BEHAVIOR GENETICS definition: explaining individual differences A. Behavioral Geneticists explore differences using TWIN STUDIES Two types of twins: 1. Identical: 2. Fraternal:
ADDITIONAL FACTS ON TWINS A. Separated twins work best investigating nature v nurture B.Adoptee’s traits: C. Same things goes for related siblings in the same biological families; two siblings can be very different in personality D. Adoptive families: not influential in personality formation, but impact on attitudes, values, religious beliefs
MOLECULAR GENETICS Studies the structure/function of genes A.Risk for certain diseases: depression, schizophrenia, alcoholism B.Technology/morality C.Heritability:
ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES A.Shared environmental influences (including home environment and parents) : A.PARENTS influence education, discipline, responsibility, charitableness B.Prenatal Environment and early childhood Rich stimulation : Early childhood education: head start programs, music lessons, foreign languages Lack of visual simulation: perception problems
ACTIVITY Video: Developing Child -video questions handout Read BOTH & do One Pager on ONE: Twins Studies Article Boy or Girl Article