Felicia L. Tucker-Lively, MPH, PhD Director of Professional Development, AAL The Need for Advancement Considerations of Mid-level Administrators 2016 GAWHE Conference February 26, 2016
Objectives Stimulate discussion about the need for development of mid-level administrators. Explore steps for avoiding the “stuck in mid-level positions” syndrome. Identify how to improve current roles and prepare mid-level administrators for more challenging positions.
Mid-level Administrators Jo, 2008; Rosser, 2004 Who? -Academic or nonacademic personnel Reporting Structure? -Reports to a top-level college or university officer, or senior administrator Roles and Functions? -Develops and implements activities to support institutional goals and mission -Allocates resources
Are you a mid-level administrator? Do you mentor a mid-level administrator?
Why is there a need for development of mid-level administrators?
In a nation with more than 4,000 accredited higher education institutions, mid-level administrators “typically represent the largest administrative group in colleges and universities”. Jo, 2008, p. 566
First-level Mid-level Top Level Why is there a need for development of mid-level administrators?
Y.Tayde 2013 Management Functions
Bisbee (2007); Wallace & Marchant (2009). Challenges in Academia
Complexity Roles Blurred, ill-defined career paths Multiple entry points Lack of explicit criteria for determining mobilityResponsibilities Anticipation of messy politics Sexist cultures Irreconcilable challenges between work life and family life Johnsrud et al., (2000); Ward & Eddy, (2013).
Competing Priorities Bain, B. (2011); gender parity survey (n=842) Percent of Respondents who agree or strongly agree (n=842) Women’s careers are slowed or disrupted by managing both work and family commitments Women choose to prioritize family over work Women choose a more balanced lifestyle over to career progression Senior men are more likely to appoint or promote someone with a style similar to their own Women tend to work in functional roles that are less likely to lead to senior line or operational roles
How Did I Get Here?
How to Avoid the “Stuck in Mid-level Positions Syndrome” Be Prepared & Be Open -Self awareness / willingness to receive feedback -Creating options verses worrying about choices Persevere Be Diligent and Professional Gupton, S. L., & Slick, G. A. (1996)
How to Avoid the “Stuck in Mid-level Positions” Syndrome Develop and Maintain Strong Support Systems -(Mentor) what said to you in the room / -(Sponsor) what said about you Practice What You Seek Believe in Yourself Gupton, S. L., & Slick, G. A. (1996)
Most Effective Initiatives in Overcoming Barriers for Women Bain, B. (2011). gender parity survey (n=842)
Steps to prepare mid-level administrators for more challenging positions: Promote awareness. Support professional development opportunities. Cultivate a mentorship environment. Encourage protected time. Recommend for awards, presentations, collaborations, or opportunities. Create healthy workplaces that encourage and support.
Final Reflection Consider your career advancement or the advancement of a mid-level administrator you support, set two short-term goals to make it happen. Think - Pair - Share
Summary: Mid-level administrators are responsible for overseeing, designing, delivering, and allocating. The need to be highly skilled and competent is indisputable! Create environments that support mid- level administrators in their current roles and encourage their preparation for challenging executive positions. Next Steps:
References Bain, B. (2011). What stops women from reaching the top? Confronting the tough issues. Insight. Retrieved from Bisbee, D. C. (2007). Looking for leaders: Current practices in leadership identification in higher education. Planning and Changing. 38(1), Gupton, S. L., & Slick, G. A. (1996). Highly successful women administrators: The inside stories of how they got there. Corwin Press. Jo, V. H. (2008). Voluntary turnover and women administrators in higher education. Higher Education. 56, Johnsrud, L., Heck, R., & Rosser, V. (2000). Morale matters. The Journal of Higher Education, 71(1), 34–59. Rosser, V. J. (2000). Midlevel administrators: What we know. In L. K. Johnsrud & V. J. Rosser (Eds.), Understanding the work and career paths of midlevel administrators (pp. 5-13). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Silva-Ford, L. (2014). In the Company of Future Women of Color Leaders. Women in Higher Education, 23(2), 16. Wallace, M., & Marchant, T. (2009). Developing female middle-managers in Australian universities. High Education. 58, 781–797.doi: /s x Ward, K., & Eddy, P. L. (2013). Women and academic leadership: Leaning out. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from
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