Health Research: promote it, use it, do it Lynne Goodacre Assistant Director NHS Research & Development North West.
NHS R&D NW. Aims to co-create a strategic approach to R&D to make the North West: The region of choice to undertake high quality health research Nationally and internationally recognised & acknowledged for its research strengths Renowned for its high calibre R&D workforce and infrastructure to deliver high quality research Releasing Potential Programme : Supporting dev. & career progression of early career researchers located within NHS Trusts in the North West Supporting dev. of skills and expertise in clinical team leads and service managers
Releasing potential programme Workshops Getting started in research Developing networks and collaborations Using social media in research Finding a focus NIHR Fellowship applications Peer 2 Peer coaching Focused on NHS based PhD students and Early career researchers Networks Post Doctoral Network ECR linked in group Let’s Talk Research Conference 17/18 September 2015 – calls for abstracts out shortly Social media Twitter chats & google hangouts Web-based resources Web portal soon to be launched
Powerful narratives Art Frank, ‘The Wounded Story Teller’ the power of the medical narrative in illness narratives The power and dominance of the academic research narrative, conducting studies, Applying for research funding publishing papers Is this the only narrative for the NHS? What is the impact of this narrative on healthcare professionals? What is the impact if you reframe the narrative for yourself and your service?
NHS Constitution: Principle 3. The NHS aspires to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism ………… through its commitment to innovation and to the promotion, conduct and use of research to improve the current and future health and care of the population. DH 2013 The NHS research narrative….
Leading research Conducting research Using and promoting research What might this look like? Within the NHS
Promoting research What does this mean? How much do you know about the research that is going on in your team or service? How prepared are you to recruit people to studies? Have you ever thought of giving out information about research to potential recruits? Have you ever thought about exploring opportunities for being involved in other people’s research?
Why promote research? Role of industry in UK economy Economic growth Employment base Historical base of NIHR The focus of Trust R&D departments Recruitment to time and target Portfolio studies
Promoting: It’s OK to Ask……… Secret shopper Can you answer the question?
Using research Adoption and diffusion on research Time taken to change practice Need for implementation to be incorporated into study design where possible Evidence-based practice and adherence to guidance e.g NICE
Conducting research NIHR Portfolio Studies
Expand your horizons
A first step……. Health Education England Internships 35 days with research supervisor to follow a personalised programme aimed at increasing your research skills and expertise 5 day educational programme aimed at increasing your knowledge and understanding of research, the wider NHS research community and personal development and career progression What support is available? £7,500 backfill funding for Trust £1,000 funding for research supervisor/mentor Closing date 19 th November 2014 Commence in January 2015, must be completed by June 2015
Masters qualifications Level 7 a systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their academic discipline, field of study or area of professional practice NIHR Masters in Research (M.Res) Taught focused specifically on research Masters in Philosophy (M.Phil) Research with focus on a specific question
Doctoral qualifications Level 8 the creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication PhD by research Full time Part-time Professional doctorate (questions of equivalence & implications) PhD by publication
Personal awards/fellowships National awards NIHR Medical Research Charities Stroke Association fellowships fellowships Funding councils Professional Associations
Why should someone support you? Employer Making the case – what benefit will it bring? What service need will it address? What support will be provided? (funding/time/study leave) Why should someone fund you? Having the confidence to apply Identifying relevant funding opportunities and timescales Giving the application the respect it deserves Developing your CV/profile