workshop, Jinan, 1 ALICE in FCPPL ALICE in short ALICE in short China and France in ALICE China and France in ALICE FCPPL-ALICE report (2010) FCPPL-ALICE report (2010) FCPPL-ALICE project (2011) FCPPL-ALICE project (2011)
workshop, Jinan, Heavy ion collisions & LHC 2 cleaner J. Schukraft, Nucl. Phys. A 698 (2002) 287, *prediction machineSPSRHICLHC s (GeV) N ch * 0 QGP (fm/c) T/T c ( 0 QGP ) 1 fm/c (GeV/fm 3 ) QGP (fm/c) 10 f (fm/c) ~ V f (fm 3 )~ 10 3 ~ 10 4 ~ 10 5 B (MeV) processes soft semi-hard hard faster hotter denser longer bigger the biggest step in energy in the history of heavy-ion collisions “...the LHC will become the ideal facility for a systematic exploration and quantitative confirmation of the insights obtained at RHIC, aided by the plentiful abundance of hard probes.” B. Müller, hep-ph/ , vol. & QGP 10(4) from SPS(RHIC) to LHC harder
workshop, Jinan, 3 The ALICE collaboration > 1000 members 115 institutes 33 countries ~15% ~4%
workshop, Jinan, 4 ALICE (A Large Ion Colider Experiment) 7(4) SPS(RHIC) experiments in one 18 sub-detectors tons 16 x 26 m 150 MCH
workshop, Jinan, 5 3 labs 12 physicists (permanent) 10 tech. staff (permanent) budget ~ 1.34 MEuros ALICE in China China Institute of Atomic Energy Central China Normal University Huazhong University of Science and Technology lab involved in FCPPL-ALICE
workshop, Jinan, 6 7 labs 47 physicists (permanent) 86 tech. staff (permanent) budget ~ 7 MEuros ALICE in France (alice- labs involved in FCPPL-ALICE
workshop, Jinan, 7 Chinese & French contributions in ALICE MUON-GMS IPNL, LPSC (+ Armenia) MUON-trigger LPC, SUBATECH (+ Italy) physics quarkonia & heavy flavours soft physics & strangeness jets & photons offline, online, computing, management ITS/SSD SUBATECH, IPHC (+ CERN, Italie, Poland, Russia, Ukrain, Holland, Finland) V0 IPNL (+ Mexico) MUON-tracking SUBATECH, IPNO, SACLAY (+ Italy, India, Russia) PHOS CCNU, CIAE, HUST (+ CERN, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Norway, Poland, Russia) EMCAL SUBATECH, IPHC, LPSC (+ USA, Italy) DCAL SUBATECH, IPHC, LPSC, CCNU (+ USA, Italy, Japan)
workshop, Jinan, 8 From the ALICE LOI to the first collisions Nov. 23 rd 2009, first pp collisions March 1993, Letter Of Intent Nov. 8 th 2010, first PbPb collisions
workshop, Jinan, ALICE published papers Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations Phys. Rev. D 82 (2010) , Phys. Lett. B 696 (2011) 328 Charged particle multiplicity and spectra Eur. Phys. J. C 65 (2010) 111, Eur. Phys. J. C 68 (2010) 89108, Eur. Phys. J. C 68 (2010) 345, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) , Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) , Phys. Lett. B 693 (2010) 53 Charged particle suppression and flow Phys. Lett. B 696 (2011) 30, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) Antiproton to proton ratio Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) Strange particle production Eur. Phys. J. C, in press 9
workshop, Jinan, The FCPPL-ALICE project 47 members physics: photons jets muons computing detector construction 36 members in members in
workshop, Jinan, FCPPL-ALICE report (2010): students Co-PhD theses: Yaxian Mao (CCNU) at LPSC Grenoble Renzhuo Wan (CCNU) at IPHC Strasbourg Xiaoming Zhang (CCNU) at LPC Clermont-Ferrand Master-I training: Jiebin Luo (CCNU) at LPC Clermont-Ferrand 11
workshop, Jinan, Yaxian Mao (CCNU) at LPSC Grenoble co-PhD thesis Wuhan-Grenoble topic: gamma tagged-hadron correlations in ALICE duration: 3 years at LPSC Grenoble funding: China Scolarship Council defense: June 2011 validation of the photon-tagged hadron correlation observables in pp and PbPb collisions EMCAL calibration in charge of calorimeter offline Data Quality Assurance ALICE shifts at CERN 12
workshop, Jinan, Renzhuo Wan (CCNU) at IPHC Strasbourg co-PhD thesis Wuhan-Strasbourg topic: neutral meson measurements in ALICE with EM-calorimeters duration: 1 year in Wuhan, 2 years in France funding: China Scolarship Council defense: June 2011 measurement of 0 / up to 25/15 GeV/c measurement of in the 0 channel ALICE shifts at CERN 13
workshop, Jinan, Xiaoming Zhang (CCNU) at LPC Clermont co-PhD thesis Wuhan-Clermont topic: open heavy flavours production with muons in ALICE duration: 6 months alternately in China and France over 3 years funding: French Embassy (2 x 6 months). 3 months remain to be funded defense: June 2012 measurement of heavy flavour differential inclusive cross- sections in pp collisions measurement of hot nuclear effects via open heavy flavours in PbPb collisions (will be presented at the Quark matter conference in May) ALICE shifts at CERN 14
workshop, Jinan, Jiebin Luo (CCNU) at LPC Clermont Master-I training (3 months) topic: efficiency corrections for muon analysis duration: 3 months funding: IN2P3 via FCPPL production of efficiency matrices based on MC productions comparison MC productions with Geant3 and Geant4 ongoing activities with Xiaoming 15
workshop, Jinan, Scientific production of the students (2010-now ) Y. Mao for the ALICE collaboration: Experience on CAF/GRID analysis Talk at ALICE analysis workshop for Asian community, Hiroshima, Japan, January 2010 L. Manceau, X. Zhang, N. Bastid, P. Crochet, S. Grigoryan and D. Zhou: Realistic Background subtraction for heavy flavour measurements with the ALICE detector in the single muon channel ALICE internal note, accepted for publication (2010) R. Wan for the ALICE collaboration: First results from PHOS and EMCAL in ALICE Talk at the 3rd FCPPL workshop, Lyon, France, April 2010 X. Zhang for the ALICE collaboration: Heavy-flavour physics for the ALICE-MUON spectrometer at the LHC Talk at the 3rd FCPPL workshop, Lyon, France, April 2010 Y. Mao for the ALICE collaboration: Photon- tagged hadron correlation measurements in ALICE/LHC Talk at the 3rd FCPPL workshop, Lyon, France, April 2010 X. Zhang for the ALICE collaboration: Status of single muon analysis Talk at ALICE Physics Week, Paris, France, May 2010 R. Wan for the ALICE collaboration: From raw data to physics results with ALICE-PHOS Talk at 14th international conference on calorimetry in high energy physics. Bejing, China, May 2010 Proceedings to appear in Journal of Physics C (2011) Y. Mao for the ALICE collaboration: First results on photon-hadrons correlations in pp at 7 TeV Talk at workshop on hard and electromagnetic processes in quark matter, Protvino, Russia, June 2010 Y. Mao for the ALICE collaboration: Two particle correlations:a probe of LHC QCD medium Talk at jet summer school, Berkeley, USA, June 2010 R. Wan for the ALICE collaboration: Pi0 analysis with ALICE EM-Calorimeters in pp collisions Talk at Hot Quarks 2010, La Londe les Maures, France, June 2010 Proceedings to appear in Journal of Physics G (2011) Y. Mao for the ALICE collaboration: Two particle correlations: a probe of LHC QCD medium Talk at Hot Quarks 2010, La Londe les Maures, France, June 2010 Proceedings to appear in Journal of Physics C (2011) Y. Mao for the ALICE collaboration: Quark matter tomography: an ALICE measurement at LHC Talk at QGP-France, Etretat, France, September 2010 X. Zhang for the ALICE collaboration: Single muons in ALICE Talk at QGP-France, Etretat, September 2010 Y. Mao for the ALICE collaboration: Quark matter tomography: an ALICE measurement at LHC Talk at international sub-nuclear physics school, Erice, Italy, October 2010 X. Zhang for the ALICE collaboration: Open heavy flavours via muons at forward rapidity in ALICE Talk at the ReteQuarkonii workshop, Nantes, October 2010 Y. Mao for the ALICE collaboration: Two particle correlations with photons and pi0 trigger in ALICE Talk at the 6th international conference on physics and astrophysics of the quark gluon plasma, Goa, India, December 2010 Proceedings to appear in Nuclear Physics A (2011) X. Zhang for the ALICE collaboration: Heavy flavour physics with the ALICE-muon spectrometer at the LHC Talk at the international winter meeting on nuclear physics, Bormio, Italy, January 2011 Proceedings to appear in 2011 X. Zhang for the ALICE collaboration: Measurement of heavy flavour production via single muions with ALICE Poster at the LHC student poster session, CERN, March 2011 X. Zhang for the ALICE collaboration: Heavy flavour physics with the ALICE muon spectrometer Talk at the 4 th FCPPL workshop, Jinan, China, April 2011 Y. Mao for the ALICE collaboration, Gamma-hadron correlations measurement in ALICE Talk at the 4 th FCPPL workshop, Jinan, China, April talks in conferences & workshops 5 proceedings 1 ALICE Internal Note 1 poster many talks in weekly Physics Working Group meetings and monthly collaboration weeks significant contribution to ALICE publications 16
workshop, Jinan, FCPPL-ALICE report (2010): visits Daicui Zhou (CCNU) at LPC Clermont-Ferrand supervision of the PhD thesis of Xiaoming Zhang define the work of Jiebin Luo (master-I training at LPC) meeting with LPC direction to define future collaboration CCNU delegation at IN2P3, CEA and IPHC Strasbourg define future collaboration Geng Liu, Kai Wang, Changzhou Xiang (CCNU) at Subatech Nantes learn about ALICE-EMCAL/DCAL module assembly and tests more details in next slide 17
workshop, Jinan, Activities with DCAL extension of the existing coverage of EMCAL improve back-to-back correlation measurements 6 supermodules in total, ½ built in Subatech, 1 being built in Wuhan installation foreseen during the long LHC shutdown collaboration Wuhan-France (Nantes & Grenoble) within FCPPL: common module assembly platform for design and production technical training of Chinese engineers and technicians in France Rails 1 DCAL supermodule 12m Support structure VHMPID PHOS 18
workshop, Jinan, FCPPL-ALICE project (2011) funding from France. Total: Euros travel costs for French Physicists to the FCPPL workshop travel costs for the PhD defense of Yaxian & Renzhuo stay costs for 2 Chinese PhD students in France (Yaxian & Xiaoming) stay costs for 2 Chinese master-II students in France stay costs for 2 Chinese technicians in France funding from China. Total: Yuan travel costs for Chinese physicists, technicians & students in France stay costs for French physicists in Jinan & Wuhan stay costs for Chinese physicists in France concern: the reduction of the French budget ( Euros attributed for a request of Euros) strongly affects the future collaboration only 2 French people in Jinan, stay of Chinese people in France to be redefined or cancelled. ( Euros in 2010…) 19 1 Euro = 9.3 Yuan
workshop, Jinan, 20 Summary The FCPPL-ALICE Chinese/French collaboration is solid, healthy and very fruitful excellent contributions of students large scientific production technical contribution to DCAL is ongoing The French budget cut will limit the collaboration actions inside the FCPPL