I NTEL 8086 M icroprocessor بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 1
8086 Memory Segmentation Instruction Set Assembly Language 8086 Addressing Modes First Assembly Program Assembly: Step by Step 2
3 Introduction Memory Interface 8086 Microprocessor 8086 Registers 8086 Addressing Modes 8086 Instruction Set Assembly Program Examples
4 The 8086 was Intel’s first 16-bit microprocessor This means that the 8086 has a 16-bit ALU. The 8086 contains 20 address pins Therefore, it has a main (directly addressable) memory of 1 megabyte (2 20 bytes)
5 The 8086 was Intel’s first 16-bit microprocessor. This means that the 8086 has a 16-bit ALU The 8086 contains 20 address pins It has a main (directly addressable) memory of 1 megabyte (2 20 bytes)
6 The 16-bit word at the even address is A The 16-bit word stored at the odd address is 462E3 16
7 The 8086 always reads a 16-bit word from memory This means that a word instruction accessing a word starting at an even address can perform its function with one memory read
8 A word instruction starting at an odd address, however, must perform two memory accesses to two consecutive memory even addresses, discarding the unwanted bytes of each
9 For byte read starting at odd address N, the byte at the previous even address N – 1 is also accessed but discarded Similarly, for byte read starting at even address N, the byte with odd address N + 1 is also accessed but discarded
10 The 8086 systems have two “ 0.5 Mega x 8 bit” memory banks Data-bytes associated with even-addresses reside in low bank and odd-address reside in high bank Address pins A 1 to A 19 selects the storage locations, whereas A0 and BHE’ pins are used to enable high or low memory banks
17 A word instruction accessing a word starting at an even address can perform its function with one memory read A word instruction starting at an odd address, however, must perform two memory accesses to two consecutive memory even addresses
18 In a 8086-based microcomputer, Identify each of the following instructions as aligned or misaligned transfer for 16-bit memory Briefly explain for each case how data will be transferred via which data pins (D15 - D0) using A0 and BHE’ control pin
19 MOV AH, [1015H] MOV BL, [1020H] MOV BX, [0077H] MOV CX, [0156H]
20 For the 8086, register names followed by the letters X, H, or L in an instruction for data transfer between register and memory specify whether the transfer is 16-bit or 8- bit
23 The 8086 is packaged in a 40-pin chip. A single +5 V power supply is required The clock input signal is generated by the 8284 clock generator driver chip Instruction execution times vary between 2 and 30 clock cycles
24 The 8086 family consists of two types of 16-bit microprocessors, the 8086 and 8088 The main difference is how the processors communicate with the outside world The 8088 will have to do two READ operations to read a 16-bit word from memory
25 The 8086 uses a segmented memory There are some advantages to working with the segmented memory First, the 8086 has to deal with only 16-bit effective addresses Second, because of memory segmentation, the 8086 can be effectively used in time- shared systems
26 For example, in a time-shared system, several users may share one Suppose that the 8086 works with one user’s program for, say, 5 milliseconds Segmentation makes it easy to switch from one user program to another
27 The 8086’s main memory can be divided into 16 segments of 64K bytes each (16 x 64 KB = 1 MB) A segment may contain codes or data The 8086 uses 16-bit registers to address segments
28 The 8086 includes on-chip hardware to map or translate the two 16-bit components of a memory address into a 20-bit address called a “physical address” Note that the 8086 contains 20 address pins, so the physical address size is 20 bits wide
31 The 8086 is divided internally into two independent units: the bus interface unit (BIU) and the execution unit (EU). The BIU reads (fetches) instructions, reads operands, and writes results The EU executes instructions already fetched by the BIU
32 The 8086 prefetches up to 6 instruction bytes from external memory into a FIFO (first-in-first-out) memory in the BIU and queues them in order to speed up instruction execution The BIU contains a dedicated adder to produce the 20-bit address
33 The bus control logic of the BIU generates all the bus control signals, such as the READ and WRITE signals The BIU also has four 16-bit segment registers: the code segment (CS), data segment (DS), stack segment (SS), and extra segment (ES) registers
34 All program instructions must be located in main memory, pointed to by the 16-bit CS register with a 16-bit offset contained in the 16-bit instruction pointer (IP) Note that immediate data are considered as part of the code segment
35 The 20-bit physical stack address is calculated from the SS and SP for stack instructions such as PUSH and POP The programmer can create a programmer’s stack with the BP instead of the SP for accessing the stack using the based addressing mode
36 The DS register points to the current data segment; operands for most instructions are fetched from this segment The 16-bit contents of a register such as the SI or DI or a 16-bit displacement are used as offsets for computing the 20-bit physical address
37 The ES register points to the extra segment in which data is stored String instructions always use the ES and DI to determine the 20-bit physical address for the destination The segments can be contiguous, partially overlapped, fully overlapped, or disjointed
38 Every segment must start on 16-byte memory boundaries Typical examples physical addresses starting at , , , ,... A physical memory location may be mapped into one or more logical segments
39 A segment can be pointed to by more than one segment register For example, the DS and ES may point to the same segment in memory
42 The EU decodes and executes instructions It has a 16-bit ALU for performing arithmetic and logic operations The EU has nine 16-bit registers: AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI, and DI, and the flag register
43 The 8086 has 12 addressing modes, which can be classified into five groups: Register and immediate modes Memory addressing modes (six modes) Port addressing mode (two modes) Relative addressing mode (one mode) Implied addressing mode (one mode)
Register Mode: MOV AX, BX MOV AH, BL Immediate Mode: MOV CX, 5062H 44
Memory Direct Addressing Mode: MOV BX, [1875H] MOV [1257H], CX Register Indirect Addressing Mode: MOV CX, [BX] 45
Based Addressing Mode: MOV AX, 4 [ BX ] MOV -4 [BP], BX The segment register is DS or SS The content of BX or BP is unchanged 46
Indexed Addressing Mode: The effective address is calculated from the sum of a displacement value and the contents of register SI or DI For example, MOV AX, VALUE [ SI ] 47
Based Indexed Addressing Mode: The effective address is computed from the sum of a base register (BX or BP), an index register (SI or DI), and a displacement For example, MOV AX, 4 [ BX ] [ S I ] 48
String Addressing Mode: This mode uses index registers SI is assumed to point to the first byte or word of the source string, and DI is assumed to point to the first byte or word of the destination when a string instruction is executed 49
The SI or DI is automatically incremented or decremented to point to the next byte or word depending on DF The default segment register for source is DS, and it may be overridden; the segment register used for the destination must be ES, and can not be overridden 50
An example is: MOVS WORD If (DF) = 0, (DS) = 3000H, (SI) = 0020H, (ES) 5000H, (DI) = 0040H, (30020) = 30H, (30021) = 05H, (50040) = 06H, and (50041) = 20H After this MOVS, (50040) = 30H, (50041) = 05H, (SI) = 0022H, and (DI) = 0042H 51
Two I/O port addressing modes can be used: direct port and indirect port addressing In either case, 8- or 16-bit I/O transfers must take place via AL or AX respectively IN AL, 02- IN AL, DX OUT 25, AL - OUT DX, AL 52
ADD a, b ADC a, b SUB a, b SBB a, b DEC reg/mem NEG reg/mem CMP a, b 55
MUL reg/mem IMUL reg/mem DIV reg/mem IDIV reg/mem CBW CWD 56
NOT mem/reg AND a, b OR a, b XOR a, b TEST a, b 57
SHL mem/reg, CNT SHR Mem/reg, CNT ROL mem/reg, CNT ROR mem/reg, CNT RCL mem/reg, CNT RCR mem/reg, CNT 58
What is the difference between MOV AX, [1200], MOV AX, 1200, and MOV [1200], AX? Initialize register CL to the value 3EH and memory location 43H to the value 55D, and write a program to exchange their contents 61
Write a 8086 assembly program to add AX and BX and store the result in CX register Write a 8086 assembly program to add AH and CL registers, and store the result in memory location 1040H 62
Write an assembly program to find the larger of two unsigned numbers stored in DX and BP registers and store the result in AX register 63
Write an assembly program to find the smaller of two signed numbers stored in DL register and memory location 120H, and store the result in DH register 64
Write an assembly program to multiply an unsigned number stored in BX register by 8 without using MUL instruction (use shift instructions) 65
Write a 8086 assembly program to clear 10 consecutive bytes of memory starting at offset TABLE Write a 8086 assembly program to initialize 10 consecutive bytes of memory starting at offset TABLE with the value 44H 66
Write a 8086 assembly program to find the maximum value of a string of 10 unsigned 8-bit numbers Assume that offset TABLE contains the first number 67
Write a 8086 assembly program to find the minimum value of a string of 10 signed 8- bit numbers Assume that offset TABLE contains the first number 68