Grant Writing Tips for Extension Workers and Partners Dr. Nancy Franz Professor/Extension Specialist, Program Development Virginia Tech
1. Write a one page paper on the idea you want funded Why the project is important or the issue/problem to be addressed What activities will be carried out through the project to address the issue Intended economic, environmental, and/or social outcomes expected Enhance with a logic model or figure
2. Search for funding sources that match your idea NIFA – AFRI USDA – SSARE USDA – 1890 designated funds Foundations Agency contracts
3. Contact the program officer for the funding source Determine if your project fits the contract/grant Determine if the amount of funding fits your project Learn about selection criteria Learn about the review panel/process Find out about your competition Learn about budget requirements (allowed/non allowed items)
4. Assemble the best project team Content expertise Grant/content expertise Team player Doers/follow throughers Common vision Diverse but not too diverse
5. Start the writing process early and get organized At least three months before the grant/contract is due Plan for many set backs Start a file system to keep track of project details Set a time line for completing all tasks Keep in frequent contact with the writing process, your team, and your support team
6. Work closely with your unit’s grant officer Required processes Required forms Time savers Local tips for success
7. Work closely with your sponsored program officer Requirements Timelines Time savers Tips for success
8. Write and proof many drafts for many reviews Your project team Your coworkers Your supervisor A past panelist/reviewer
9. Write to the specific selection criteria for the grant/contract Follow directions Be thorough but concise Don’t use excessive jargon Good writing is the most important criteria Refrain from stating opinions or conjecture
10. Ensure infrastructure for success Budget for enough time to do the work (salary/benefits) – a minimum of 10% for the lead PI Budget for project design, implementation, and evaluation Budget for supporting staff Budget for product development
11. Celebrate success Even if you are not funded Keep improving the idea Keep looking for the right funder
Q&A Dr. Nancy Franz