Do you want to... Get homework done faster? Have more free time for TV and video games? Get your parents off your back--I mean, make your parents happy? AND get better grades? Prepared by Laura Dickey
How much would you pay? $100.00? $50.00? $9.99?
What if I told you that you could have it all for free? We are literally GIVING IT AWAY!!! What is the name of this miracle product?
Ha, ha, I tricked you! But don't worry! Everybody can get organized, once we determine your ORGANIZATIONAL STYLE!
When you lose something and you are trying to find it, do you A. Think of the item in relation to the last place you saw it B. Think of the item in relation to the last place you used it C. Think of the item in relation to the last place you had it
When you are doing your homework, do you A. Need to have all of you school supplies visible B. Need to have all of your school supplies within reach C. Do you assignments chronologically (in the order that they were assigned)
How would you describe your work area? A. I can see everything I need, and I recognize my materials by color, i.e. my Harrellland folder is green. B. I need to have my work area clean, and I can't start working until it feels right C. My work is in piles, which may look messy, but I know where everything is--I can't stand it when someone messes up the order!
My favorite subjects and hobbies are A. Visual Art, video games, and TV B. Dance, music, and drama C. Math and science
I really get stressed out when my work area is A. Visually overloaded (too many things to look at) B. Disorganized and messy C. Not in order
If you answered mostly... As - You are a Visual Organizer Bs - You are a Spatial/Cozy Organizer Cs - You are a Chronological/Sequential Organizer
THE VISUAL-STYLE DESK AND WORK AREA All essential items within sight Avoid using drawers and deep containers to store important stuff Instead, try open file box with a removable top so you can see where everything is. If you are working in a cluttered area, CLEAN IT UP OR MOVE! If you have things in your work space that you know will distract you, put them out of sight. Look into the light--if it is too bright, get a dimmer light; if it is too dim, get a brighter light
THE SPATIAL/COZY-STYLE DESK AND WORK AREA You need to feel good when you sits at your desk. You need to keep all essential items within an arm’s length You will want to be able to move freely because you learn best while moving. You will probably like open file cabinets on wheels. These can be rolled next to you when you're using the files and moved under the desk when you're not Check your work area for anything sharp or jagged--you need to be cozy and comfortable! Just like the visual organizers, skip deep containers.
THE CHRONOLOGICAL/SEQUENTIAL- STYLE DESK AND WORK AREA Set up your desk in an order that makes sense to YOU Place items in the order that you use them Containers that are stackable may work well for you, since you can access stuff in the order that you like You can also label the trays If you use mesh trays you can see what's inside You need lots of desktop space to set up their computer, clock, stackable trays, and any other items that make sense to you
The New Face for my Work Space CHALLENGE! Over the weekend organize your workspace to fit your organizational style Take a picture of your organized workspace ("before" and "after" pictures are great!) and it to me to tell me which style you The best workspaces for each style will get in-class recognitions and a SPECIAL PRIZE!!!