Kylie Burke Miss. Burke
Education I went to Butler University I majored in Middle/Secondary Education with a focus in economics, history, and sociology I started in Sociology and thought I wanted to go to law school, teaching is 100X better I picked this field because I love social connections and interactions and I feel that they are the best way to learn
Fun Facts I have two brothers I LOVE animals I used to be a dancer
About Me I love to watch Butler Basketball I don’t like bugs My brother used to have a snake when we were younger
About Me I like to travel Outside of the United States I have been to Jamaica and Mexico I love to watch gymnastics Olympics I cant whistle
Activity In order for us to start knowing each other, we are going to draw on some of our connections using a gallery walk I have put large pieces of paper all over the room labeled with similar categories in the About Me slides Write down similar stories, questions, comments, talk with another, or illustrate anything you had in common with me as you listened to my introduction