Anne Bonny
Background Daughter of Mary Brennan and William McCormac Daughter of Mary Brennan and William McCormac Born in Ireland around 1700 Born in Ireland around 1700 William moved to London with Anne and Mary to escape his wife’s family William moved to London with Anne and Mary to escape his wife’s family Her father began dressing her as a boy and calling her “Andy” Her father began dressing her as a boy and calling her “Andy” They moved to the Carolinas when they were discovered by his wife They moved to the Carolinas when they were discovered by his wife
Background Her father worked as a lawyer, and then later a merchant Her father worked as a lawyer, and then later a merchant Her mother died when Anne was 12 years old Her mother died when Anne was 12 years old She allegedly stabbed a serving girl with a knife when she was 13 She allegedly stabbed a serving girl with a knife when she was 13 She expected to receive a large inheritance She expected to receive a large inheritance However, she married a penniless sailor and was disinherited as a result However, she married a penniless sailor and was disinherited as a result
Background She and her husband, James Bonny moved to New Provence in Nassau She and her husband, James Bonny moved to New Provence in Nassau Here, James Bonny earned little money turning in pirates to the governor Here, James Bonny earned little money turning in pirates to the governor She later abandoned her husband and joined pirate John “Calico Jack” Rackham She later abandoned her husband and joined pirate John “Calico Jack” Rackham
Crimes CrimeDateVictimPunishment Adultery1718James BonnyMonetary Fine (not enacted) Piracy1720Crew of the pirate ship Revenge, villages in Jamaica and various ships in the Caribbean Sentenced to death, but was lessened to jail time until her father supposedly ransomed her
Evidence of Piracy In possession of pirate ship Revenge In possession of pirate ship Revenge Also possessed other, smaller commandeered vessels Also possessed other, smaller commandeered vessels Stolen treasure was found aboard the ships Stolen treasure was found aboard the ships Crew, who failed to fight with Anne Bonny and Mary Read spoke against them Crew, who failed to fight with Anne Bonny and Mary Read spoke against them Eyewitnesses identified her Eyewitnesses identified her Sentenced to death in Jamaica, but received a stay of execution when she claimed she was pregnant
Quote she said to Rackham before he was executed Had you fought like a man, you need not have been hanged like a dog”
Books Pirate Spirit: The Adventures of Anne Bonney by Jeffery Williams
Books A General History of the Pyrates by Captain Charles Johnson
Movies/TV Shows Black Sails Black Sails Carolina Stories: Pirates of the Carolinas Carolina Stories: Pirates of the Carolinas True Caribbean Pirates True Caribbean Pirates
Theory Anne Bonny was likely a criminal due to her upbringing. This would relate to the Differential- Association Theory. She was born as a result of a scandal, which could have resulted in her affair. She learned from her father, who cheated on his wife with Anne’s mother. Additionally, she was disguised as a boy when she was younger, and her father often treated her as a son. Because of this, she learned from her family how to act, and she later dressed as a man while on the ship.
Theory Additionally, she married a man who could have been a small- time pirate. This would have introduced her to piracy. Later, when her husband became an informant for the governor, Anne could have had interactions with the pirates he was turning in. While sailing with these pirates, she would have had no positive influences on her life, resulting in her adopting the values of the criminals around her. She was deviant by dressing as a man and actively participating in combat because the men around her were also fighting. Due to the company she kept, Anne Bonny was influenced by their values until she became a criminal herself.