Israel Part II
King David King David turned the nation of Israel into an Empire. He captured several surrounding territories He also made the Israelites under him pay heavy taxes to fund his empire
King Solomon King David’s Successor Used money from Israelites to build the temple After his death the kingdom of Israel was divided into a north and a south.
The Temple today
Western Wall Dome of the Rock
Nation of Israel 597 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar captured the city of Jerusalem. Jews would not have a “homeland” that they were in complete control of for another 2400 years. At the end of WWII the nation of Israel was again created in order to restore the land of Israel.
What is the Torah? The Torah is what Christians refer to as the Old Testament of the Bible. The Talmud is made up of teachings that interpret the Torah The first five books of the Torah are called the Pentateuch, or the Books of Law