Print Awareness Ann Morrison, Ph.D.
Print Awareness Print has meaning Only includes print, does not include the relationship between print and sound (Can be done with the ears closed) Concepts About Print Logograms Graphemes 10/2/13Ann Morrison, Ph.D. 2
Concepts About Print Directionality Orientation Punctuation The role of pictures versus print Return sweep Concept of word, sentence 10/2/13Ann Morrison, Ph.D. 3
Logograms Logos represent ideas Does not include pictures 10/2/13Ann Morrison, Ph.D. 4
What Do These Mean? 10/2/13Ann Morrison, Ph.D. 5
Graphemes include Punctuation Chinese characters Letters Typographic ligatures Numbers 10/2/13Ann Morrison, Ph.D. 6
Graphemes B B B B a a a a g g g g I I I I Letter forms Stay consistent with letter forms taught in school Fonts at left: Franklin Gothic Book Apple Casual Chalkduster Constantina Italic 10/2/13Ann Morrison, Ph.D. 7