live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: MY M ESSAGES 3.0 CampusEAI Consortium Annual Conference 2013
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: A GENDA Unveiling myMessages 3.0 Solution/Improvements in 3.0 myMessages 3.0 Portlet myMessages 3.0 Admin myMessages 3.0 Call Back APIs & Web Services Transition from Alerts 2.x to Alerts 3.x
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: I NTRODUCTION myMessages 3.0 is a new feature developed to centralize and streamline the communication process within the campus community and keep students, faculty, and other constituents aware of important information, including schedule changes and closings, class and event cancellations, weather advisories, and traffic notices, amongst others. Using myMessages 3.0, institutions can send personalized messages to individuals and groups about important events, changes of status, actions that need to be taken, and deliver them across a variety of channels including portal, and SMS.
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: U NVEILING MY M ESSAGES 3.0 See your sent messages Reporting - Track your sent messages Edit scheduled messages New Look & Feel of the Inbox
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: W HAT ’ S N EW I N MY M ESSAGES 3.0 Message Broker Tags nomenclature modifiable for end user consumption Message Reporting Capabilities View and delete Sent/Received messages View, edit and delete scheduled messages Filter, Sort, pagination & export reports Configurations changed by the administrator are now audited into a log file for additional security and tracking True Push Mobile Support (Optional)Ease of use for adding SMS Number in User Preferences Inbox Delete uses form submit method instead of web services Admin control for deleting CRON jobs Inbox can be exposed as web service also (for mobile apps) Fewer Inbox refreshes required since popup actions automatically update message record statuses Consistent date formatConfigurable Alert Acknowledgement (default or optional)
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: S OLUTIONS /I MPROVEMENTS IN MY M ESSAGES 3.0 CampusEAI Consortium
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: M ESSAGE B ROKER myMessages 3.0 uses an upgraded Message Broker (JMS server) upgraded to Active MQ server and Quartz scheduler Scheduler Services accept commands COMMAND_EDIT_SCHEDULE_ONLY and COMMAND_EDIT_JOB that allow editing of existing jobs
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: M ESSAGE & R EPORTING C APABILITIES Administrator can view and delete sent messages Users can view and delete their messages Administrator can view, delete and edit scheduled messages Filter, sort, pagination & export capabilities over reports Delete Messages Edit Messages for: Scheduled Messages Messages that are targeted to portal only
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: UI C ONFIGURATIONS If you want to tweak your performance, start by disabling or restricting the use of pop-ups. Though, the need to do this is less thankful to newer versions, however it is a recommended place to start. Beyond which, you can play with the following settings:
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: D ATABASE Q UERIES /T OOLS Reporting/Statistics: Find out list of Recipients who did not get a message via a channel Special count queries Show all messages that have expired before YYYY-MM-DD Show all that expired 1 DAY before inc time Show 1 Seconds before all Messages that expired Identifying a Message by Message ID Updating alert status from Specific Delivery Channel Status Optimizations on Tables & Indexing
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: O THER F EATURES True Push Mobile Support Inbox Delete does not use Web Services anymore but Form Submit method Inbox can be exposed as Web Service also (Mobile Apps may need to adopt inbox service) Date format made consistent; mm/dd/yyyy (US standard) Acknowledge Alert, made Optional (default can be configured also) Tags nomenclature modifiable for end user consumption
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: O THER F EATURES ( CONTD.) Configurations changed by the administrator are now audited into a log file for additional security and tracking User Preferences, automatically checks if a user has a valid Text Message (SMS) number or not. If not, it provides a message and a way for the user to update it. Validation to ensure that recurring CRON jobs have to have a minimal time difference before they can repeat. This value can be specified as a default in Misc settings Actions on Popup automatically update the state of the related records in the Inbox, without requiring a refresh.
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: MY M ESSAGES 3.0 P ORTLET CampusEAI Consortium
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: A LERT A CKNOWLEDGEMENT P OPUP (O PTIONAL )
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: V IEW M ESSAGES
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: V IEW M ESSAGES – R EPORTING
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: E DITING /D ELETING M ESSAGES
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: S ENT M ESSAGES
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: P REFERENCES
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: D ELETE M ESSAGES
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: MY M ESSAGES 3.0 A DMIN CampusEAI Consortium
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: MY M ESSAGES A DMIN – M ISC
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: MY M ESSAGES 3.0 A DMIN – R EPORTING
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: R EPORTING : S ENT M ESSAGES
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: R EPORTING : E DITING S CHEDULED A LERTS
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: E DITING /D ELETING A N A LERT
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: S ETTING U P SMS A LERTS
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: MY M ESSAGES 3.0 API S & W EB S ERVICES CampusEAI Consortium
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: C ALL B ACK API S From myMessages 3.x onwards, it is possible to update a 3rd party system or perform custom event notification whenever a user VIEWS or ACKNOWLEDGES an Alert (or any other status update on an Alert). This is achieved through call backs. A Call back is a custom adapter that can be created and plugged into the Spring Context in the following file: /Alerts/WEB-INF/classes/callbacks.xml by simply defining a bean in this file with your adapter class (ensuring that it is in the class path). Example in callbacks.xml that audits every event with status VIEWED or higher:
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: MY M ESSAGES V IA W EB S ERVICES There are the following types of services: 1.Send Alert 2.Send Message (Announcement) 3.AlertsInfoService: Retrieve alert based information about a particular user 4.SendersLookup All web services are secured The AlertsInfoService and SendersLookup services can only be accessed by the user who is logged in/has a valid SSO session It is assumed that user is authorized to access the web services
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: T RANSITION F ROM A LERTS 2. X T O A LERTS 3. X CampusEAI Consortium
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: T RANSITION FROM A LERTS 2. X TO A LERTS 3. X Ensure that the data model is optimized Upgrade Message Broker Configure exception in Security Center Ensure that myMessages Logout is setup with Single Sign Out Enterprise Boxes with CAS on a different host : Popup Select a Master Scheduler (for Enterprise Boxes only) Ensure College is setup for large send (Requires management & client approval)
live. learn. work. play Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio Tel: Fax: Thank You!